Who broke it

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It was a normal day In the 4 town mansion that they all so happened to share that was untill Jesse stomped into the living room where the rest of the members were chatting about there upcoming performance.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU DUMB IDIOTS BROKE MY VASE" Jesse yelled looking furious almost turning red (haha get it 🤣😐)

"I-i-it wasn't me" robaire said stuttering, "it wasn't me so don't even try blaming me" Aaron z said scrolling through his phone not looking at Jesse.

"Umm it was me I'm sorry Jesse" tae young said quietly. "No it wasn't tae don't lie" Jesse said staring at Aaron t "I know it was you" Jesse said now pointing at Aaron t

With that being said Aaron t ran out of the house as fast as he could before Jesse started to chase him

"Dude this is the third time this week t broke Jesse things control your boyfriend z" robaire said before writing in his notebook

"Wtf he's not my boyfriend and I'm not going to control him if he gets his ass beat by Jesse that's on him" z said scoffing

"Who said I was talking about t" robaire said smirking making tae giggle

Suddenly they all here a loud scream and they never say Aaron t again

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