April fools

255 4 8

Aaron t pov

Today is the day that i finally get Jesse back for beating me up and everyone else for not trying to help me. As everyone already knows I am considered the funny or prankster friend and I have have a perfect idea to ruin everyone's mood and day.

Today is going to go perfect.... Or so I thought

"Hey guys, lovely day today isn't it" with a smile on my face I walking into the kitchen where surprisingly everyone was located. "T don't start today" Jesse said while eating ice cream, "what ever do you mean?" I gave an innocent look with a sweet smile pretending like I was not up to something.

"You know what I mean t don't try me" Jesse said looking angry for whatever reason, I guess he's still pretty mad about the things I accidentally broke but I already apologized and he beat the crap out of me so I would assume we were even.

I gave a sad look before slowly walking back to my room, here's where the fun begins

Tae pov

"Jesse why would you say that!!" I said making a pouty face I hate when Jesse would be mean to Aaron t or blaming him when he didn't even do anything. I mean I know why he does this but still everyone is always mean to t and I want to stop it.

"Geez don't be mad tae Im sure he's not even sad foreal, I'm sure he's pretending" "what If he's not what would you do then" I stumped out the kitchen going to t's door I knocked on the door, I hear a soft "come in" before I open the door to see t crying.

"T are you okay?" I asked worried for my friend. "Yeah I'm okay I just hate when Jesse or the others blame me for things" I hear foot steps coming up to t's room, I turn my head to see z, robarie, and Jesse standing by the door.

"What do you guys want! You made t cry, GET OUT" I yelled before going to the door to slam it shut. Before I could do that robarie held the door open making it impossible for me to close. "Why are you yelling at me and z we didn't do anything" robarie said looking scared I guess he look scared because I almost never yell.

"Anyways Jesse is here to apologize, right Jesse" z said in a weirdly scary tone "y-y-yes I'm here to say sorry, I'm sorry t I don't mean to hurt you feelings"

I turn to look at t who was also looking at me, turning my head back to face z, robarie and Jesse I rolled my eyes "just cause you apologize doesn't mean anything" I saw z, robarie and Jesse give a shocked look "you know what, I'm done with this"

"Tae sweetie calm down okay" robarie said trying to calm me down but I didn't want to hear none of it

"Don't sweetie me I'm done, me and t are leave 4 town for good." That being said t got up and we started walking towards the door shoving the boys out of the way

"Wait what" all of them said at the same time "you heard tae we're leaving the group bye." T quickly explained and then grabbed my hand dragging me out the door.

"Guys wait" I heard Jesse yell, I gave a quick glance at t before we both bursted out laughing

"APRIL FOOLS!!" I fell on the floor laughing attempting to catch my breath, t doing the same

"Omg you should have seen your faces" I wiped the tears from my eyes "you would have never thought I would get tae in in the prank I'm going to pee myself" t said before running to the bathroom.

Maybe I should start pranking people more.

An: sorry this took so long it kept deleting anyways leave suggestions

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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