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   Sunny stood outside their school again. Wow. She was having déja-vu. She still couldn't believe Error was a God, and also the fact that they were back home. That was weird. Apparently, time didn't pass while they were gone, and so, they had woken up on the ground outside, near where the portal had been before. It was very confusing to be honest.

Sunny had noticed she still had Chat. And her ISS (Interdimensional Storage System). And also her wings. Oh, and can't forget her mask and her children. Who were stored in her ISS. For safety reasons. Sunny didn't know how one would act when they saw a creature that resembled a frog, but wasn't one. They'd probably panic and try to shoot them. Or throw them. Or crush them. Or eat them. Okay, the last one was probably something only Sunny would do. But it's not her fault she panic eats! And stress eats! And mad eats! And sad eats! And basically every emotion eats! Food was good, okay?

Ice had woken up next to Sunny, and Error had woken up next to Ice. Apparently, the Gods let Error stay with Sunny, because they thought it'd be good for her. Of course, Error was still a God, and she stayed in contact with them, but now, she got to live a normal life. Well, sort of normal. I mean, she was a God. And Sunny had wings she needed to hide in her hoodies. And Ice had a tail he needed to hide in his pants. So, pretty normal.

Sunny smiled and breathed in the outside air. She smiled and then looked back before yelling. "Come one Ice and Error! I wanna play!" "I thought you didn't like going outside..." Said Error as she walked out of the doors. Ice followed her and Sunny said. "Well yeah, but I gotta stretch my wings!" "With everyone here?" Asked Error. "I'll be hidden! Don't worry!" Said Sunny. "Right Dialtown?" Said Sunny to Dialtown, who was chilling in her ISS.

"Sure." Said Dialtown. Sunny grinned and said. "See? Dialtown says it'll be fine! Now come on!" Said Sunny as she ran to the cliff, where below, the portal used to be. Error ran after her and Ice walked after her. He was way too tired for this honestly. When Sunny reached the top, she started taking her hoodie off. She stretched her wings and smiled as she felt the breeze run past them. She giggled and sat on the ground.

"Okay! You took it off, now put it back on!" Said Error. "Nah, I'll do that later." Said Sunny as she waved Error off. "Someone's staring." Said Ice as he looked at a girl who looked familiar who was looking at them shocked. Sunny yelped and put her hoodie back on quick. "What?!" She asked as she turned around to look at who Ice was looking at. Error also turned quickly, panicked and surprised. It would be terrible if anybody told an adult that the trio didn't trust about Sunny's wings. Sunny might be taken away!

"Oh." Said Sunny with a smile growing back on her face. "It's only Abi." Added Sunny. "Abi? Who's Ab- Oh, she's that short girl in our class?" Said Error. "Be nice! She may be short, but I'm the only one allowed to make fun of it!" Said Sunny as she punched Error lightly on her shoulder. Error looked down at Sunny and rolled her eyes under her bangs. Error had decided to keep her bangs. Sunny and Ice had seen her eyes before though. They were a beautiful shade of green. Kind of like turquoise. Very beautiful.

"Sunny?" Asked Abi as she walked up the hill, towards Sunny, Ice and Error who were near the cliff. "Yeah?" Asked Sunny. "You... Had wings." Said Abi. "I did indeed have wings." Said Sunny as she nodded, before saying. "Now, let's jump in this random portal at the bottom of this cliff." "What-" Said Abi, before her arm gets grabbed by Sunny and she gets pulled off the cliff and falls into a red portal with her. Ice and Error jumped after them.

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