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   Error looked around and sighed. Well, they were stuck going to different worlds again. "This is so pog!" They heard Sunny yell. Sunny's wings were out in the open and so was Ice's tail. Also, Dialtown and Hound were sitting on Sunny's shoulders. There was also an egg near her feet. "MY THIRD EGG!" Yelled Sunny in joy as she grabbed the egg and hugged it. "Oh god, please no." Muttered Ice. "Wha- Where?" Asked Abi, extremely confused as she looked around.

"You're stuck going to different worlds with us." Said Error as they put their hand out towards Abi so she could shake it. "My name's Error." Said Error after Abi shook their hand. "I know, you're in my class. And that's Ice." Said Abi with a smile. "How'd you um... Get those?" Asked Abi, pointing to Sunny's wings and Ice's tail. "Oh! Character development!" Exclaimed Sunny. "If you want some..." Continued Sunny before pulling a potion out of her ISS.

"You kept that?" Asked Ice, pointing to the potion. Sunny nodded and handed it to Abi. "Don't drink it all please." She said. Abi nodded and drank a bit, before handing it back over to Sunny and wiping the excess on her lips with her green hoodie sleeves. She then turned to Ice and said. "Why wouldn't I?" She then put the potion back in her ISS. "Now what?" Asked Abi curiously. "That's it." Said Sunny as she shrugs. "But... It didn't do anything." Said Abi confused.

"Actually..." Said Error, pointing to Abi's dog tail and dog ears. Abi looking at the tail and yelped, but it came out more like a dog's bark. "I have a dog tail and ears!" She exclaimed. "And they're so fluffy..." Said Sunny as she looked at the ears with stars in her eyes. Error sighed and said. "Well then, can we please figure out where we are?" "Wait, wait, wait... Please?" Asked Sunny. Of course, Error knew what Sunny was asking for. And they said. "Fine... But right after, we're finding out which world we're in!"

Sunny grinned before Error said. "Nooo! You can't just give someone a potion that gives them character development!" Sunny laughed and said. "Haha, character development go brrrr." Sunny then proceeded to laugh and once she was done, she said. "Okay, I know where we are." "Me too!" Chirped in Abi. "Okay so, where are we?" Asked Ice. "Slime rancher!" Exclaimed Sunny cheerfully. Abi nodded and smiled. "I... Still don't understand what's going on. But I'll probably know later." She said.

"Of course you don't understand yet! You're not an ultimate gamer like me!" Said Sunny. "Okay, you're getting too cocky now." Said Ice. "I am?" Asked Sunny. "Yes." Said Error as they nodded. "Oh, well then... You're not a God like me!" Said Sunny. "That's... Worse." Said Error as they facepalmed. Sunny sighed and said. "You're not 80% God like me?" "Better, I guess." Said Ice as he shrugged. Sunny grinned and then turned to Abi with her hands on her hips.

"You're... What?" Asked Abi, even more confused. "80% God! Anyways, we should start trying to get to the Glass desert! I bet the portal's there!" Said Sunny. Abi nodded and Sunny took out her Vacpack before running away and then coming back and throwing a bunch of pink slimes in and then she turned around to the group. "Abi, I am terribly sorry, but it seems you must leave. Goodbye." Said Sunny. "Oh um... Okay?" Said Abi, before a portal appeared under her and she disappeared. Ice and Error just stared at where Abi used to be before turning to look at Sunny, who was now gathering some fruits she had planted while they weren't looking. Sunny sure loved to speedrun.

"You... Could've done that... Since the beginning?" Asked Error. "Yes." Said Sunny as she nodded. "So, we weren't actually stuck?" Asked Error again. Sunny nodded and then said. "Yeah, but I'm a procrastinator so..." "So you just waited until letting us leave?" Asked Error. Ice seemed to be very quiet. "Yes. That is indeed correct." Affirmed Sunny as she nodded. "Ah, I see." Said Ice as he pulled out his Vacpack. "Now, please, show me how to cause chaos in this game." Said Ice with a mischievous smile.

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