chapter 1 | The rumor of Hanako-san

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Hi there!!! I'm not sure if anyone is gonna read this but if you do thank you! And enjoy.

Ooo play the video from the start to "are you there?" It will give it a cool aura!!!

Oh yeah sorry there's probably gonna be spelling mistakes.


[Hey did you know?

This school has eight mysteries

If you learn the truth behind all seven of them.....

Something will happen they say.

You don't know any of them?

Ok I'll tell you just one.

The most famous story.

No.7 of the eight Mysteries

Hanako-san of the toilet.

In the third stall

from the the end of the girls bathroom

On the third floor of the old building

You'll find Hanako-san.

She will grant one wish

to anyone who summons her spirit

But in exchange,

That person will have to give something


to summon the ghost you knock three times....
Then say "Hanako-san, Hanako-san. Are you there?"

(your name's) POV:

It was morning I was getting ready for yet another school day while I thought to myself 'why on earth had I thought going to school was a good idea??' I mean I am a school mysterie so why did I go to school anyway, then I remembered ' Because.... I need to spread my rumors'. Oh right! Sorry I forgot to tell you! Yes I'm a school mysterie No.8 of the school mysteries Mio-san of the hidden melody!

The rumor is that at 7:59 you will hear a special melody hidden somewhere in the school if find out where it's coming from in exactly one minute at 8:00 Mio-san will grant you whatever wish you want without asking for something in return but if you don't find the place it's coming from at 8:00 you will have 10 seconds to leave school grounds or you will desapear in thin air.

Although at this time no one is really in the building so I rearly get summoned ok well any way let's go back to the important thing, right now it's school, sadly. School is now starting I haven't really talked to anyone in the school except my only and best friend Yashiro Nene,
She's super nice, kind not to mention how cute she is!

-----Small Time Skip (after class)--------

"(Y/N)-chan!!" I hear as soon as the bell for the end of class rings it's Nene-chan aproching to me at a fast speed with her hand in the air for greeting me I smile and and put my hand half way up. Then out of nowhere Nene trips over her feet and falls face down on the ground my face changes to a worried look and I rapidly go to Nene's side as she sits up still on the ground and I say "Nene-chan! Are you okay??" I help Nene up "um.. yeah I'm fine nothing to worry about" she says with a smile on her face once again.

I ask "why so happy today Nene-chan?" To what she answers with exploding excitement on her voice "well.... !! Aoi told me about a wish fullfilling ghost can you believe that? I will finally get Minamoto-Senpai to like me!" I look at her with a surprised look on my face " you didn't know? I'm pretty sure your talking about Hanako-san right?" Nene looks at me happily and nodds, then she opens her mouth to talk again andmurmurs "I-I was hoping you'd come with me since your interested in the 8 mysteries? "You know after school!" She said a bit louder.

I didn't hear because I was already deep in my thoughts 'is it okay to let her get close to him.. I mean if she does she might figure out I'm a supernatural and my cover would be out but if I don't go she'll start to get soispicious' "hmmm what should" I whispered without Nene noticing "please come (Y/N)-chan" Nene said begging, to what my face changed in annoyance, I gave up and said "fineeee" 'guess no time to think it through' I thought as the next class started.

--------Time Skip (after school)----------

"Alright! Y/N-chan are you ready?"
Nene shouted
'oh right... Hanako-kun' I smiled "yep totally ready" I lied, my lie probably worked because Nene just went with it, then felt Nene pulling me towards the old building runing as fast as the both of us could, soon without another word
We were just outside the bathroom

I remembered 'In the third stall from the the end of the girls Bathroom the third floor of the old building you'll find Hanako-san' "okay Nene-chan here we are let's go in!" I said while walking in the door but the I saw Nene she was nervous or scared so I turned back and told her "hey, it's okay we don't have to go if you don't want to" Nene shook her head and whispered "no.. I do I really do wanna go in"

"okay"I answered I took her hand and walked in with her, we went over to the thirth stall, Nene knocked 2 times and surely said

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san. Are you there?


If you are still reading thanks I hope you liked it!

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