Chapter 3 | The wish

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"Okay I'll grant your wish" Hanako said and I immediately celebrated with Yashiro even though I wasn't sure how he would do it, I mean we haven't granted wishes in a few years. "Sooo how do you make everyone's wishes come true, Hanako-san. Do you have special magic items" the white hairs girl said in an interested tone "yep in fact, I have something incredible here" Hanako said "you do?!?" I basically screamed
"Yes I do!" Hanako said in a fake offended voice "here" he continued and gave Nene a how-to book on love.

Yashiro glared at him with a disapruning look to which Amane answerd "this might not be a surprise to you, but anytime you want services from a ghost you have to pay a price" as he said that I burried my face in my hands and thought to myself 'of course, I bet he doesn't have anything to grant wishes with' Hanako finished his sentence after glancing at my annoyed look "if you ever desire powers beyond human understanding, a larger fee is required. So it's. Safer if we use this".

"But.... What if I want those powers anyway?" Nene asked a bit intimidated "well, then" Hanako replied with no expression in his face that soon tuned into an inoccent grin as he continued "...I don't have any magic items, sorry" "of course you don't, let's go Nene-chan this is a waste of time" I said knowing that this would not work and she'd just get in trouble with supernaturals. Then I noticed that Nene was way to into it and clearly I wouldn't be able to leave without her 'guess were staying then'.

I snapped out of my thoughts to hear Hanako asking "Do you have any special skills, Yashiro?"

--------Time Skip (school field)---------

"My special skill is plowing dirt!!" Yashiro said proudly. I sighted I wasn't really paying attention, my only thoughts were of Amane since we met again in the bathroom he hasn't talked to me 'does he hate me?'  That's when I was brought back to the world by Yashiro who yelled "but that was whole month ago!! It totally doesn't bother me anymore!!" When she said that I realized she was talking about that jerk who she liked in middle school, the jerk who told her that her legs were like dikons.

I moved over to Nene so I could comfort her "hey, it's okay, that guy didn't deserve you anyway" I stated "yeah! Plus I'm all about Minamoto-senpai now!" She answered. "So you'll take anyone huh?" When Hanako said this I saw a familiar smile in he's face for a moment I thought I saw Amane again. "Of course I won't! Come on Hanako-san, don't be silly!" Yashiro Trying to convince someone, I don't know if it was Hanako or herself. Hanako replied "so you say, but I'm guessing you don't know much s
About this senpai of yours" and of course it was true Nene new next to nothing about this guy, I think even I knew more, "of course I do" yellped Nene to what Amane answered with a question "so, whats he's given name?" Then there was silence I just looked at Nene with a desapointed expression and sighted.

"Hey, there's a bug. I'll keep it to feed to the koi," Yashiro said embarrassed "Yashiro...... Here" Hanako said "a note card?" Nene-chan replied. Hanako smiled and said "you're gonna give something you made to your senpai. I call it operation present!!" "That isent a bad idea...." I murmured, Hanako must have heard 'cause he shoot me a big bright smile.

Yashiro chose to give Minamoto some of the vegetables she grew, I thought it'd be better to give him some flowers, I was right. so here we are looking outside Minamoto-senpai's class room as some vegetables on his become some wierd misterie

-------operation present fail-----------

"Let's change gears!" Hanako said and so we did.

Operation button of love. Hanako took a button from Minamoto when he wasn't looking and was gonna get Nene to sew it back on but.......
Well, let's just say it didn't go according to plan.

--------operatio button of love fail-----------

We tried once again, this time she was making a Bento for Minamoto.

Operation lunch box. This time Yashiro went overboard and did a monster Bento box, Wich just made him throw it in lost and found.

-------operation lunch box fail-----------

One last idea Hanako tried was the corner of love. He would get Yashiro to put a price of bread in her mouth and run into Minamoto in the hall but she ran in the wrong time and pushed a middle schooler down the stairs

---- operation corner of love fail big fail----

"Uuuugh this is so hopeless! And that last one had nothing to do with my skills....." Yashiro said "hehehe" Hanako giggled with an inoccent tone. 
"I think we're being to indirect. There must be a faster way..." Nene suggested, in unison Hanako and I inquired "why don't you tell him you like him?" We loked our eyes as if thinking the same. when we were alive we used to be like that too, have the same ideas do the same stuff, that moment I remembered why we were best friends.

I smiled at Hanako, we turned out eyes to the white haired girl while she said "tell h-!? I can't do that!" "Well I'm a beginner here too. That's the only idea I can come up with"as Hanako stated this I thought 'well yeah Nene-chan what did you expect we don't get summoned that offten, no offence'. Instantly after Amane said that Yashiro yelled "beginner!?" "Nene-chan, what did you expect? The rumor didn't even know he's real gender, that means he doesn't get summoned a lot" I said with confidence  "I knew there was something up with all this! For a ghost you had all these day-to-day object and your methods were too wholesome!"

"Well, I guess you can call me 'wholesome Hanako-san." Said Amane with a cheeky voice,
'you haven't changed at all have you?" I thought as I looked at him with a nostalgic smile, but then I noticed that Nene was about to make Hanako desapear with her stare. "I-I e got some not-so wholesome items as well!" Hanako started taking out different things from his pockets,"there we go!, This" Hanako said as he took a  doll out of his pocket "kokeshi doll, so what about it?" I said curiously "yeah!" Yashiro nodded in agreement with my question "it's kinda sexy" Hanako said, Nene punched the doll out the window as I burried my face in my hands.

Yashiro grabed a bag with a red ribbon on it that was in the floor probably one of Hanako's things that he'd dropped earlier, I fast noticed what it was and my eyes widened, Nene turned to Hanako and asked "what is this, Hanako-san?" "It's matchmaking" Hanako answered bluntly, 'this is getting more and more complicated' .


Hiii, I took sooo long to post this I was busy but we'll it's here so good bye.

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