"First day in"

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Ok hello my name is bendy and I'm a waiter in a restaurant (duh) and I'm gonna tell u how I fell in love with uh well you already know- it's the title lol 😂  well I know u don't wanna here me talking so I'm gonna start                                               •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"wake up Boris!!!" Bendy shouted at Boris who was half asleep "what's going on?!!?" Boris said with a shiver as he spoke "no time to explain we gotta pack fast and leave"!! Bendy said with a horrified look on his face "o-ok"Boris said shaking due to confusion and fear of not knowing what's happening,                                                           {after they got done packing and ran into the car}—————————————————————————"Can u tell me what's happening now"?!?!?! Boris cried, bendy looked at him with fear in his eyes..."dad killed mom"...(in the garden)...Boris started to feel tears form in his eyes, Boris cried for a few minutes after that their was silence and only that, bendy turned on the radio station to break the silence ....." did u call the police" Boris asked with a stutter in his voice "yeah..they told me to leave and go to a hotel"..."oh-...ok" Boris said shakily ...bendy started to cry but held his tears back -bendy whole life living with Boris and his parents... his parents were always fighting and dad hit bendy once Boris, his older brother always stood up for him and it made bendy feel guilty and made him feel like it was his fault             251 words I'm done- see y next chapter 🙃 my arms hurt like a hammer is bashing it into pieces. And now this makes it 277 Words.

Bendyxcuphead 🙂❤️⚠️☕️😈Where stories live. Discover now