•Angelica• part 2

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They both slept on the couch together
Tired from the...🥰mAGIc😩
Sorry lolz
They both slept on the couch tired from the -magic-
A portal then appeared in the middle of the living room
A angel then stepped out the portal and looked at cup and bendy laying together on the couch
The angel walked up to them and slapped both of the top of their heads
"A-AAAH" cuphead screamed and sat up so quickly bendy fell off the couch "OW"!??!!
bendy yelled as he fell on the floor
"how cute"~
The angel said softly reaching his out stretched hand to bendy offering to help him off the floor
Bendy then grabbed the angels hand
"Your finally here"!
Bendy said happily
"Yeah I got caught in portal traffic"! Angelica said
Sighing with relief
"But at least ur finally here".
Bendy said with relief
"Who's this bends"?
Asked cuphead with suspicion
"This is my Freind I told u about"!
Bendy said turning to cuphead
"Oh- and I forgot to tell y'all I saw u two sleeping together~...and uh cup guy u have no shirt on-"
Angelica said trying to to laugh at them both
Bendys and cupheads hair were a mess
Cuphead had no shirt on
While bendys shirt were half unbuttoned
His neck..exposed with small hickeys too
And cups pants unzipped...
(his boxers still on tho)
Dirty lil pep tarts🤦‍♀️
"Let's set up the ritual..? Shall we"??
"Angelica said that impulsively, like he was...annoyed.."
Bendy thought, not realizing he was staring at Angelica
(Btw guys I will give u some info about Angelica here, sorry)
Name: Angelica
Height: 6,4
Age: 18
Zodiac: Aquarius ♒️
Moms name: maycrane crame
Dads name: chase crame
Sisters name: Erica crame
Moms race: angel
Dads race: fallen angel
Sisters race: angel
Angelica's race: angel 
"Bendy?" Cuphead said tapping bendys shoulder trying to get his attention
Cup yelled
Bendy then flinched and backed away quickly from cuphead
"You okay?" Cup asked reassuringly
"Y-yeah, just not feeling too confident"
bendy lied
"About what?"
Asked cup, his eyes gleamed at bendy
"The ritual"
It was true bendy was nervous about the ritual
He thought that cuphead might get hurt...
And he thought of other worries (lol this part sucks...idk why tho it just dus)
Sorry I'm gonna end it here for now!
Hope you enjoyed!😜🥰🥴
Also someone asked what my zodiac was
It's Sagittarius ♐️









BYE ✌️

Bendyxcuphead 🙂❤️⚠️☕️😈Where stories live. Discover now