Part one : intros

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Rose Hathaway POV
Hello,my name is rose Hathaway. I immigrated from Asia to Australia 4-5 years ago. I am 18 years old and I'm one of the schools bad girls :p. If your thinking : bad girls ? Is she one of the schools sluts? To answer that question, no I'm not, I'm still a virgin. I know it's embarrassing,I'm already 18 years old and I'm still a fucking virgin don't
get me wrong I love having my Virginity and still being pure but it gets hard....
I have had 3-4 boyfriends over the past 2-3 years in high school. I have long skinny legs, long brown hair and I wear contacts. My hobbies include listening to punk rock bands, studying , going to parties and stalking hot celebrities, I have no siblings and my parents are never home so it's like I live alone.
I have 3 best friends, 2 girls and 1 guy. One of the girls names is Alina and she has long thin legs and short black hair, the other girls name is called Selena she is short and has long flowy purple died hair.

Moving on from me and my friends, there are all the types of people u can find in my high school, the school jocks , the sluts, the nerds. You name it we have it. There is a popular gang of boys in my high school , there are 4 of them in the group. There is luke who has blonde hair and is freakin tall , then there's michael who always dyes his hair , moving on to ashton who is probably the strongest most muscular one in the group, last but not least there is calum, he has 9 tattoos and is 19 years old, he has dark brown hair with blonde highlights. To be honest he might be the hottest guy in school, but I wouldn't go for a guy like him. He probably has already had sex with half the girls at school and I do not wanna be the next one.

The boys in the group are about the same age , ashton is already 21, michael is 20 and luke and calum are 19.
{ I will stop here about intros, the next part will be at school in roses POV }

Rose POV
"Beep beep beep beep " "OMG shut the fuck up " and you smashed the 4 clock that you bought it was in pieces already when you woke up, you sighed and told yourself it's okay, my parents are rich as fuck any ways. You got up from the bed and stretched, took a quick shower and you decided to wear, black Campbell night litas, a crop top and shorts with a pair of sunglasses and a few bracelets. With that you drove off in your BMW to school.

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