A Normal Day

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Lucky's POV.

As I heard Abigail's voice and Pru's confidence in the air, I couldn't help but give in to the new day, opening my eyes to face life. Well, just another Monday, with the sun rising and invading our school dorm, with another Math class about to start. Oh, I hate Math, but Pru made an interesting point about how I need it in races, so I will at least try and put effort into it. And perhaps I could even ask Bebe this afternoon to tutor me when we go searching for injured animals in the forest.

"Good Morning, guys," I say, yawning, stretching my legs, and eventually getting up, exercising my arm muscle to make myself even more awake. When my friends hear my voice, they instantly look back at me, noticing that I have decided to leave the world of dreams.

"Good morning," They reply in unison, going back to smiling at the new day at Palomino Bluffs. They are already dressed for the day, clothes tidy and brushed hair, looking presentable for a classroom. Not like me, that is still in her pajamas.

"So Lucky, should we wait for you outside?" Abigail asks, with Pru already chuckling that I woke up late again. It became a routine for us, so I just nod my head at them while picking up my usual clothes, my new red jacket. I hear they both shut the door behind them, with their chattering disappearing as they go into the main room, I presume.

I always leave my red jacket beside the nearest table next to my bed, and today was no different. Due to how many times I had to dress up rushing, I don't waste time in taking off my pajamas and wearing my pants, blouse and jacket, along with putting on my boots while jumping to the dressing table. As Maricela always says; brush your hair over 100 times in the morning. But I don't have time for that now, so undoing the knots are my top priority while in front of the mirror. A few perfumes there, a last check-in to see if I'm at least decent. Yep, that's enough for a late person. Now breakfast time before Math class.

More chatting fills the halls as more students come out, getting louder and louder as they get more aware. So I'm not surprised that when I open the door, I'm confronted by a group of three boys from the last dorm on our hallway. I push myself back so as not to bump into them, and they don't even seem to notice the near accident. A relief to me, it seems, as I sigh that they didn't acknowledged me. The students that filled the halls are now going downstairs in groups or accompanied by a book, going to get their horses on the stable. Well, they are headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, just like everyone else.

When I look down the hallway, to where Bebe gives her speeches and teases Alex, I spot Pru and Abigail chatting. As the room empties, I feel like safely going out and meeting with them. That is, if I didn't bump into someone else. This time a familiar person. I should have paid more attention when going out.

"Sorry, didn't see you," I reply to the BUDS, the ones that live in the front neighboring dorm. Well, I mainly apologize to Bebe, as she was the one who received my forehead. Gotta make a complaint that these halls are too short for such a demand.

"No problem," She laughs and smiles, touching the area that was hit as if to lessen the pain. Daphne and Ursula laugh along, just more discreetly. We have definitely come a long way for them not to make fun of me for this. Or even a mean comment. But what I see next takes away these thoughts and speculations from my head.

"Wow, your hair is down..." I stop mid-sentence, letting my surprise take over. Understandable, for I never saw Bebe with her hair down. Usually, she has it in a ponytail because of the military thing, I presume. But today, she has it loose and free, the blonde strands running down her shoulders, hiding her face only slightly. Why did she it let it loose today? I don't see a reason for that. Wait, is today a special occasion?

"Yeah, did you like it? I'm risking new looks." She asks, sounding excited for some opinion. Well, I can see why. She must have had her hair trapped her whole life, and now, it's not anymore. I don't hesitate to open a smile to indirectly state my opinion.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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