Da sith dey...... SnowBirb....

9 0 0

A/N: Why are we here? Just to suffer?

Oney dey, Wenteer and C r o w deceeded to go to get sum icee cram. Et wuz hawt as Hedes outsade aend tey wanteed cold.

sO tey walkd to da icee cram shoope an got icee cram. C r o w got chococo cram, Wenteer got vanella cram. 

Wenteer wuz enjoyang hur icee cram wen she noteeced C r o w poringg wheeskey entoo his icee cram. 

Wenteer jus starred ar him wiht da bigestt wtf faec. He jus grined smlugy aet hur. "U mad, bro?"

"Y r u leik dis?" she aeskd. 

"Cuz lol." he doog en.

Leogn stury shurt. C r o w endid up dronk an Wenteer haed to carrie heim home. 


She seet him on da bed an hee grabbbd hes hande, "Thx, bb. U so preeety."

sHe culdent halp butu smeli aet him, "Yuh. I kno."

Dey hugged. 

Da End <3

da bess dey evva!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя