Da Seevvnth Dey..... Phoenix.......

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A/N: Fam, I ain't even into RWBY anymore hfkjshdfkH. I can only hope that this brings ya'll some amount of entertainment. I lowkey feel like I have a stroke every time I write these. 

A/N: I'm about to turn 23. I cry for so many reasons lmfao.

Da seevvnth dey

Tye-aang wok up to teh borbs sanging. He snezzed. As he wok up moar, he notceid dat teh sanging wus knot jus teh borbs butt Reavan two. 

She  S CR E TC H ED an Tye-aang thot his easr wer gon bleeedee. He covred hes easr an sayd, "ur sanging sucxx."

Reavan fornwed an sayd, "ur faec sucxxx."

Tye-aang cride an cride. His tares philled teh hole roum. Teh firnture sarted two flote. Reavan'ses fetsies sated to geht whet. She sarted to panik an gav Tye-aang patses on hies hed. 

"I sowrry." She sayd, "ur faec donut sucxx."

Tye-aang smeld an his tares stopped. "Thnx, ur snanging donut sucxx ether."

Rave smeld. Dey hugged.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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