2 - Times are Hard

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June 1890 Manhattan

Every morning Flex would get up early to do some exercises on the rooftop. He had to stay fit! Not that selling papes every day didn't do that, but Flex just liked being stronger than everyone else.

Every morning Ghost would get up early to go stretch on the rooftop by her best friends side. She liked to stretch every day because it felt good. Plus if she didn't, she would go stiff and sore (no joke, this actually happens to me)

And every morning Crispy and Elmer would get up early to go watch the teens on the rooftop.

On one particular morning the four newsies got up around 5 in the morning and changed quickly. They headed up the rusty old fire escape ladder to the rooftop. Flex went to his third of the roof and started with 50 push-ups. Ghost went to her third and slid down into the splits. The two six-year-olds went to the last third and started chasing each other around.

"49, 50!" Flex boasted, finishing his last push-up.

"No wonder they call you Flex" Elmer called over. Ghost snickered at her little brothers words then looked over at her friend. The two were found staring into each other's eyes.

"Ooooooo" Crispy and Elmer said in unison

The two friends quickly diverted their gaze. Flex continued his work out, now doing sit ups and Ghost moved herself into a straddle and pressed up into a handstand. Crispy put her hands in a gun shape as she and Elmer pretended to be in war.

"Boom!" Elmer yelled suddenly. Crispy held her heart as she dramatically fell to the floor.

"I'm dead" she announced. The two collapsed into fits of laughter. Flex chuckled and continued doing sit ups.


"Welp, that's the morning bell" Ghost said "We better get ready for the day"

And with that the four newsies headed back to their bunk room to get ready for selling.

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"Where!? Where is he?!" Crispy asked frightened. Tick laughed

"He's not here. Don't worry" Crispy let out a sigh of relief.

The day was slow, the headline sucked, it was hot, but cloudy. The clouds were a thick grey colour and seemed so heavy, Tick thought it would storm later that day.

Luckily for the newsies, it was almost lunch. At around 1 each day, every lower Manhattan newsie would go to Jacobi's deli for lunch and order something cheap. But on slow days, when the pay wasn't high, they would only maybe get an old loaf of bread if they were lucky and some water.

"CRAZY MAN RUNNING FREE!!" Three middle aged women came up to Crispy for a pape each. She snickered calling out more fake headlines.

Tick called her over and they walked to the deli in silence, only the noises of New York around them.

By the time they got to Jacobi's, more than half of the newsies were there. Some were already leaving, others had just sat down. Tick spotted Ghost and Flex together, laughing like hyenas. He rolled his eyes at the pair. They were so weird. But if you have weird friends, I guess you have everything.

Lunch was eaten, papes were sold, it drizzled a little, and the light faded away as night drew near. Tick and Crispy had finished selling for the day and were strolling back to the lodge, pockets barely full.

Tick opened the front door and let Crispy in before walking in himself. (What a gentleman) As they entered the main room, they became aware of all the noise the boys- and girl were making. Covering her ears to block out the yelling, Crispy continued her way up the stairs to the hallway that had a couple doors leading to different rooms.

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