4 - What Comes Next?

16 1 16

September 1891 Manhattan

"So guys. You all know I'm getting really old."

Laughter filled the room

"I'm leaving"

The laughter stopped. Dead silence.

"And Flex over there is gonna take my position"

The room erupted into happy yelling, clapping and whistling. Ghost chuckled, side hugging her best friend.

"You are gonna be soooooo good" she whispered in his ear.

Flex put his arm around her in response. Tick noticed and nudged Crispy and Elmer, smirking. They looked over and Crispy's face turned smug, while Elmer's eyes just widened.

"What's he doing to my sister?!" He whisper-yelled

Crispy burst out laughing drawing everyone's attention. Her face was red with laughter, and Tick started laughing too

"Crispy! Anything you wanna share with us??" Knock-Out questioned

Crispy shook her head, still laughing. She couldn't stop.

"Crispy take a walk. Elmer go with her" Crispy still laughing, left the room and walked to the front door. Elmer took her hand and they walked to the park, still giggling.

"No but seriously," Elmer began as they climbed their tree "why did that... WEIRDO have his arm around my sister?!?"

This sent Crispy into another fit of laughter. "You are so so blind!" She giggled

"Wha- how?!" He exclaimed. Crispy didn't talk until they were at the top and seated on the biggest branch.

"Ghost and that weirdo are clearly in... Looooooovee" she dragged out. Elmer looked shocked.

"There's no way!" He cried "that's my sister! She can't be in love with Flex!" He was in complete denial. "He's- he- bu- n- wha- he-" Elmer halted

Crispy rolled her eyes "I'm just stating the facts. Tick can see it and I'm pretty sure most of the other newsies can too. So it's true"

Elmer dropped the subject after that and the two just sat there watching the people around them. Crispy was humming a little tune and Elmer soon joined in. After a while they decided they should go back and they hopped out of the tree. Taking their time, Crispy and Elmer swung from branch to branch, going down. Arms around each other, they walked back to the lodge.

"What do think it'll be like when we're their age?" Elmer asked suddenly

"Who's age?" Crispy was confused

"My sister, Flex, Tick" he stated

"Dunno. All I know is we're gonna be best friends," she paused "right?" She asked timidly

Elmer stopped and looked at Crispy in the eyes "Of course! I'm NEVER leaving you Crisps"

"Thanks Elms" Crispy smiled as she removed her arm to hold his hand instead.

Back at the lodge, Flex, Ghost and Tick were in their room chilling. Race and Spot walked in, smirking. Then Jack and Crutchie came in, the same expression set on their faces. Ghost looked at Flex. He shrugged. She looked at Tick, he shrugged too.

"Uhhh, hey guys" Flex waved awkwardly

"Heyyyyyy" they all chorused

"What's up?" Tick asked


"Not much"

"Nothing at all"

"The sky" they all said at the same time.

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