
54 2 5

Random number 3-8. That'll be how many apps you have. I have 5 apps.

Now, random number 1-8 depending on how many apps you got. I'll do it 5 times.

1 - Molepaw~black-and-white tom with hazel eyes

2 - Blazepaw~ginger she-cat with white paws and a white muzzle, bright green eyes

3 - Seedpaw~brown tabby tom with amber eyes

4 - Willowpaw~silver tabby she-cat with ocean blue eyes and gray tips (paws, ear tips, muzzle, tail tip)

5 - Boulderpaw~dark gray tom with a black stripe running from the back of his head to the tip of his tail and warm amber eyes

6 - Webpaw~black she-cat with white stockings and deep blue eyes

7 - Lakepaw~gray tom with dark gray tips and green eyes

8 - Brindlepaw~gray she-cat with black brindle markings and a black brindle half-mask, blue eyes

My apps are Webpaw (mentor is Oakfleck), Brindlepaw (mentor is Dawncoat), Boulderpaw (mentor is Snakeskip), Seedpaw (mentor is Robingaze), and Lakepaw (mentor is Stagflash). You can choose which warriors are mentors.

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