Bye Bye Bye

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Ive been in a relationship with Jordan Knight for years & years.  We've even been liveing together in a house all these years.  We've had our ups and downs. Like any other relationship.  I finally got wise & decided to say Bye Bye Bye! Jordan & I was argueing and fighting once again. Jordan hit me & I said Jordan Im leaveing you & never comeing back! Im sick & tired of the fights and arguements.  That's all we do. Everytime we get into a fight and agreement you end up hitting me. Im so done! Jordan said you arent going anywhere. As he grabbed me and started to hit me again. I tried so hard to get away but I couldnt. He was so strong.  I said  okay thats it! I kicked him where it hurts for men. Jordan said damn you got me where it hurts! I said you hit me again and you'll get it again. I was badly beaten and my shirt was ripped. So my breasts were exposed. Wonderful! I went upstairs & packed my bags. I didn't even bother with another shirt. I was to upset to think about that. Jordan was at the door banging on it. Open this door! I said no way! I was quickly packing my bags. I opened the door & Jordan said you cant leave! Watch me! I said. As I walked out the door & got into my car & left. I went to my bestie & sista Mels 1st. I knocked on the door & rang the door bell. No answer. I thought now what? I was still crying my eyes out. So I went to Joseph & Chases. I went to knock on the door & I saw Chase. Hey! Then he said oh my god! Joseph we've got company! Joseph said oh my god! Did Jordan do this to you? I said yes. As I was crying in his arms. I knew it! Said Joseph. They let me in & Joseph said your a mess & your shirt is tore. I'll go get you 1 of my shirts & the 1st aid kit.  I was so embarrassed that my breast were exposed. Chase said you need to leave that sob. I said Im not going back. Good said Chase.  Joseph came with 1 of his shirts to wear & the 1st aid kit. I went to the bathroom to change. Joseph said let me clean you up sweetie. Your all bloody.  As he was cleaning me up & putting stuff on my face.  I said I didn't know where else to go honey. Mel wasn't home. So I came here. Chase said I got a hold of your bestie & sista. She's on her way. I said where did she go? Chase said she said she was out to the lake walking.  I said oh okay. I was to upset to think about calling her.  Chase said thats ok sis. Its all good. I said ouch that  stuff stings.  Im sorry.  But you don't want infection. As he blew on my lip & on my eye. After Joseph cleaned me up. He came right back into the liveing room.  As we were talking.  There was a knock on the door. Come on in! We knew it was Mel. Mel said oh my god sis! What the hell happened? Jordan & I was fighting & arguing & he hit me & wouldn't stop. Mel said Im so sorry. As we hugged each other.  I was crying again. Mel said your never going back to him. You hear me! I said I promise I won't go back to him. You'll be staying with me from now on. Okay sweetie. Thank-You! Your welcome said Mel.  I am more then happy to have you live with me. Then I'll have someone with me everyday. I said that will be nice to see you everyday.  Joseph said your not going anywhere tonight.  You are staying right here with Chase and I at our house. Im not letting you out of my sight. As he smiled. I said oh my! As I smiled. Chase said since Shar is staying here. You are too. As he was smileing.  Mel said mercy me! As she was smileing. We don't have a change of clothes or personal stuff I said. We will go get your change of clothes and your personal stuff said Joseph. I said Jordans there. Dont you worry about him. If he gives me any problems I'll take care of it. Chase said we will be right back. They left to get us a change of clothes and personal stuff. Mel & I chatted and carried on. A hour or so they were back. I said Jordan must not of gave you any problems. Joseph said nope. He kept asking questions and & ignored him. Here you go babe said Joseph.  Thanks dear I said. Here you go baby said Chase. Thanks love said Mel. I said tonight I'll sleep in your shirt. As I smiled. Joseph said okay. As he smiled.  Chase said you can also sleep in my shirt tonight. As he was smileing. Mel said okay. As she was smiling.  & you can sleep in my my room with me. As he smiled again. I said oh my goodness! As I smiled back. Chase said you can sleep with me in my bed. As he smiled again. Mel said mercy me! As she smiled. Joseph & Chase were looking forward to use spending the night at their house. Just as much as we were. ❤❤❤❤

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