Bye Bye Bye

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Mel & I loved spending the night over to Joseph & Chases. Couldnt wait to do it again soon. After a week or so. I was all heeled where Jordan hit me in the face and kicked me. Plus I was finally moved in with my sista & bestie too. What a pain in the ass! lol!😆 So I was back to work. Everyone was happy to see me again. It was a busy day at work. The phones were driving us up the wall. lol!😆 We had to attend a few meetings too. BORING! lol!😆 It was crazy! After our meeting, it was time for lunch. I said I ordered pizza to be delivered here. Hope that was okay. That is fine said Mel. We saw that the delivery guy was here waiting to get paied.  I said I've got this. My treat. As I paid the man. Mel said Thank-You! Your welcome! I said. We went to our desks to eat lunch. We chatted as we were eating our pizza. I said I can't stop thinking about Joseph sis. I can't believe we spent the night over to their house.  Mel said believe it my sista & bestie. It happened.  I said Im much more happier since I moved in with you. Mel said Im much happier to have you live with me said Mel. We can keep each other company. As she smiled. I smiled & said yep. After we ate lunch & cleaned up the mess. Back to work we went.  As we was working at our desks. My phone was ringing & I answered it. I heard hello baby! At 1st I was like whos this? Then I said you have alot of nerve to call me at my work place. It was my ex Jordan & I wasnt happy. I saw Mel look over at me. I had a disgusted look on my face. I said I can't talk.  Im working.  Wait a minute. I said what? Jordan said can we talk after work? I said I supose. I don't want any trouble.  Jordan said I promise no trouble.  I said better not be. As I hung up. Mel said whos that sis? I said take a guess? Mel said oh wonderful! It was Jordan! I said yep.  Not to thrilled about talking to him after work. But I said I would. Just be careful okay. Dont want anything to happen to you said Mel. I said don't worry I'll be ok. He won't do anything to me  I'll make sure Joseph is there. Mel said good idea. We worked for a few hours or so. Then it was quitting time finally. We grabbed our stuff & went to my car & got in. Before we took off I texted Joseph & said come over please. He said hed be over. We was going down the highway with the windows down. Wind blowing in our hair. Beautiful day for that. Once we got home.  We noticed Jordan was at our house waiting in his truck.  I said hes already here waiting for me to get home.  Shortly after we got home we saw Joseph pull up in his truck with Chase. Joseph said what does Jordan want? Chase said to cause trouble.  Not on my watch he isnt. Chase said stay calm bro. Joseph said I'm trying bro. They got out. Jordan and I was talking. I said Jordan how many times do I half to tell you NO! Jordan got on his knees & grabbed my hand & said Im so sorry for everything baby. Im so miserable without you. I said get off your knees.  Your embarassing me. I am sorry I don't want you back. I have moved on & you should too. I had no idea Joseph was even around. Until I heard thats right.  Shar has moved on. I said I didn't even know you were here love. You scared me. Joseph said sorry baby. Didnt mean to scare you. Its all good I said. Jordan said please come home to me. Joseph said Shar has said no many times & there isnt anything you can say that will change her mind. I said thats right. Im in love with Joseph. Im in love with Shar said Joseph. Jordan said no your not! Your in love with me? He started to grab my hand and I slapped his hand. You promised no trouble remember.  Im not causeing trouble said Jordan. You better just leave said Joseph. He was not listening of course.  Stubborn ass! lol!😀 Joseph said come over here my love. So I did. He kissed me right in front of Jordan. He was so jealous & mad. Jordan said fine! As he stomped off & got into his car & drove off like a bat outta hell! lol!😀 We heard Chase and Mel go ooooo! Hush we said. We kissed again. Chase & Mel smiled. We went into the house & Mel & I took a shower & got our comfy clothes on. Joseph and Chase spent most of the night with us. Thank goodness Jordan left and didn't come back. Praise the lord.  ❤❤❤❤

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