Soulmate encyclopaedia

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A soulmate is a person that carries a piece of your soul with them. This person is made for you. Without them, you are not whole. Everyone has a soulmate.

When first bonding a pulse is emitted between the two soulmates and the touch sends a warm and tingling sensation to each soulmate.

When the eyes meet it is determined who will be the more dominant of the two. While the Dominant stays standing the other soulmate will either bow if female or kneel if male. Dominants are most of the time male. Dominants are very protective of their soulmates and will do anything to make their soulmate feel safe and secure.


(Almost) everyone gets a soulmark which are marks that you share with your soulmate. These marks are always an animal. You get your own mark and the marks of your soulmates somewhere on your body. Everyone has his own full mark on their dominant hand, so if you're right-handed it's on that hand and vice versa. The mark(s) of your soulmate(s) can be anywhere on your body. The placement on the body is random but will match your soulmate in one of two ways. You can either be a mirror or a copy. So for example, if a mark is on your right upper arm, your mark will either be on your soulmate's right upper arm if you are a copy or on their left upper arm if you are a mirror. Mirrors are the rarer of the two types. It is said mirrors are more closely bonded than copies but this is not proven.

When the marks of your soulmate appear they are only black lines. When soulmates touch the first bond is formed between the two, through which the marks are coloured in and completed.

Marking period

It is only possible to get your marks from the age of 12 to the age of 16. To be more precise, from the minute you turn 12 to the last minute you are still 16.


If you do not have your marks when you turn 17 you are known as a Soulless. This can only happen if your soulmate has died before they had a chance to get their marks. The Soulless are looked down upon throughout society and are often discriminated against when finding jobs etc.


It is possible to have more than one soulmate. If this occurs they are known as a soul group. This group can consist of 3 or more soulmates.

The group can have multiple settings. Most groups are a multi-cluster. This is where not everyone in the group is soulmates with each other. So for example, if a group of two soulmates have a bond with one of a group of three soulmates. The biggest group known so far are with 10 soulmates and is a multi-cluster with 3 clusters.

The rarer form of a soul group is a full-connect. Everyone in this group is a soulmate of each other. The role of the Dominant in a soul-group is heightened. They can feel what is bothering their other soulmates through touch. They can also feel the pain that a soulmate experiences. There is only one Dominant in a  full-connect group.

What is special about the dynamics in a soul-group is that there is also a soulmate that is the most submissive. They are called the Heart of the soul-group. In a multi-cluster, there can be multiple Hearts, but in a full-connect, there is only one. Studies have shown that Hearts have a special placement within the group. They are the most cherished and everyone in the group is protective and possessive over them. This special placement is symbolised by the placement of their soulmarks. They are always located in the chest area, near the Heart's heart. They can also feel the emotions of all their soulmates.


When you turn 29 and you have not found your soulmate yet the first symptoms of the disease start. These include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches and trouble remembering things. These will increase as you get closer to 30. If you have not found your soulmate when you turn 30 your heart will stop beating. It is speculated that the cause of this is that the heart can't handle being incomplete for a second longer. The heartbreak is too great to handle anymore so the heart gives up.


If your soulmate dies, there is a big chance you die too. The only way this does not happen is if the soulmates have biological children. This also applies to soul groups. So if a group is not complete before the oldest turns 30 the whole group dies. Soulless don't die when their soulmate does, because they do not have their marks yet. But because of that, they can survive past the age of 30. In general, they do not grow older than the age of 55, because their soul can not take the strain of not having a soulmate anymore.


The first time you connect with (one of) your soulmate(s) your soul-power is activated. There are two types of powers. The first type is only able to affect or include your soulmate(s). The second type is able to affect everyone. It is not possible to have the same power as your soulmate(s).


Edited 03/05/2022: Some changes to the story, mostly in paragraphs Soul-group and Soul-sickness. Other than that there are only aesthetical and grammatical changes.

Edited 21/07/2022: Only aesthetical and grammatical changes.

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