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(Per, your requests, I've tried to make the chapters longer, enjoy:)

Well, turns out you can't switch rooms until after the first week of school, which was in 2 weeks.

So, I decide to go back up to my room and ignore his complete existence. Thankfully, my plan wasn't out to use since he had left the room.

I decide to take this chance to settle down and decorate my side of the room, even though I probably wouldn't be staying in it much longer.

I had taken all my decoration from my old room back home and burned it before coming here, yeah that's how much I couldn't even look at it .

All I had brought was a picture of my mom and I and I decided to put it right next to my bed on my side of the dresser. The room wasn't very spacious so there wasn't much room for decor. I unpacked my clothes and put them in the baskets I had brought to put under my bed. My asthma has caused me to lose breath so I decided to take a little break.

I hear the door slam open and my dad walks in with his belt. Did I dream of finally going to college? I scream as he approaches me, ready for the pain about to be unleashed.
"Sophia" a voice says

"Sophia" a voice says even louder and I am awaken my someone shaking me.

It's the brown haired boy.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine"

He walks across the room to sit on his bed and glances at me shyly. This was definetly not the confident bad ass that was telling me he would rather be anyones roommate except mine.

"How did you know my name?" I ask
"What" he says
"How did you know my name"
"Oh, it says it on that frame over there, so I just assumed it was your name." He says scratching his head.

"Oh. Ok" I say.

I look over to the picture of my mom and I, the framing saying Sophia and mommy. She had gotten it specially made for my 8th birthday, even though we couldn't really afford it.

Him getting up to go completely interrupts my thinking pattern.

"Where are you going" I ask

"Dining hall"

I felt my stomach rumble at the mention of food.

"Can I come?"


After we got there he separated and I was left sitting alone until a girl with long blonde hair approached.

"Hi, I'm Jessica, I noticed you were sitting alone, want to join us?" She says

I definitely wasn't in a position to pass up friends.

"Yeah that would be really nice"

She walked me over to her table and four other girls sat there with her.

"This is Leah, Karen, Remi, and Stacy"

They all say Hi in unison.

"Hi I'm Sophia"

"So, are you a first year or a transfer?" Stacy asks

"No, I'm a first year"

"Girl, you look like it's your first year of high school" Remi says

I always used to be made fun of for looking young. I mean, I was extremely tall but none of the rest of my body looked anything near mature. Neither my butt nor my boobs got me any attention, which sometimes I'm thankful for.

"Shut up Remi" Jessica says "Not everyone has the money to blow their bottom and top rack up like you did."

They all laugh and I giggle. I liked Jessica. I wasn't so sure about the rest of them tho.

"So what does your dad work as" Leah asks

"Our dads all co- own a law firm together" Jessica says

Now that I look down at what they're wearing and how they look, I notice that they are probably extremely rich.

I can't come up with what to say, I mean should I tell them that my dads an abusive drunk or an unemployed asshole. I go with none.

"He's an engineer" I say

"What kind?" Stacy asks

"Omg is he a mechanical engineer, my uncle is" Jessica says

"Yes" thank god for that

I was hoping I wouldn't have to lie much longer, since I was horrible at it, and that hopefully I would find a 'my dads an unemployed alcoholic' club somewhere around campus.

safe with me - sophia and brysonWhere stories live. Discover now