[_ More Colle _]

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So I like to think that Colle did not forgive the Red King as easily as he did in the Series-

I think that he still was mad at the king, the reason why he never ever went back home was because he didn't see it as his home anymore.

So short headcanon time

all the Elites have a patch on their shoulder that Symbolize the Red Kingdom-

All the Elites have one for their kingdom and one for the elites

Specifically the one of their current Red King.

So. One day while sitting With Desert and Forest because they wanted to comfort their friend after getting banish

Colle proceeded to

Rip off the Red Kingdoms patch. Hold it. And burn it.

Before taking a hand made patched he made for himself and put it in its place.

He also doesn't show the king the same amount of respect he had before. Because the Red King had lost any and all of Colles respect for him the moment he banished him.

He doesn't even call the Red king 'your Majesty' or whatever royal greetings anymore

Since he isn't his king anymore.

The other chromatic kings? Yes they didn't do anything wrong- so Colle still holds respect for them

The Red King? No. Not for a long LONG time.

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