:] Obsidain Steves [:

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Alrighty! Time for some fun made up lore for the Obsidian Steve's

Since all we really know about them is that they where made by one of the creators, specifically how? It's not said but worry not!

I have a head canon for that!

Obsidian Steve's come from walls that are made of Lava and obsidian, at first they would pop out in waves to create armies!

But recently...there haven't been many at all-

The most recent recording of a new obsidian Steve would be Obsidian Captain. Who from his knowledge is around Colles age

20 years old-

Ever since he showed up there haven't been any more so it is safe to assume that the wall was all dried up

It's also the main reason why neither Dream or Genisus couldn't ever make more

They didn't have that kind of power

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