Chapter 1

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It was just an average day. Viola was on a swing, reading her book.  "Ah!" Screamed Ember as he walked past Viola. Embers here what do i do?  Viola questioned herself. "If your running around like that you might actually set someone on fire." Viola said playfully. "I think im actually pretty good at controlling my powers, thank you very much." Ember said slyly as a smirk grew on his face. "Hmm, Do you remember that time you accidentally set my microwave ON FIRE." Viola exclaimed. "That was a long time ago!" "it was a week ago." Viola snapped back. "Im right- right Mira." He said to his friend, who was sitting next to Viola. Ember turned over to see his Blue-haired friend shake his head disapprovingly. Ember rolled his eyes. 

                              List of main characters

                    Luna, powers; lunar manipulation and lunar empowerment. 

                   Veritas, powers; Human Lie Detection and Truth Manipulating (only lasts for 5 minutes) 

Ember, powers; Can Control Fire, Summon demons (temporarily)

Solis, powers; Producing Light, Solar Manipulation

Sana, powers; Healing Punch and Empathic Healing

Mira, powers; Can Breath Underwater, Wave manipulation and Water manipulation

Viola, powers; Talking to plants, Can control plants

Venenum, powers; Poison Resistance, Spitting Acid, Poison Manipulation

Mutatio, powers; Shape Shifting ( lasts fifteen minutes), can turn objects into other objects (only hold changed form for 15 minutes)

Tempus, powers; Pausing Time (lasts a minute has to wait 5 minutes to do it again) Slowing down time

BloodFire, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now