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It had been two weeks since my classes started and four more students had dropped out, one them telling me that my class made no sense and it was stupid and i shouldn't be teaching. The embarrassment wasn't mine but belonged to the student when i laughed at the absurdity. 

Alexander had been asked to teach a complex class at this university, i had been given tenure which generally didn't happen for teachers who didn't teach requirements and yet here i was. i did not doubt my abilities to teach, just those who refused to truly listen to what i had to offer.

Watching as my students file in and take their seats i smiled, she had never missed a class and sat in the same spot every time came in. The remaining students had started to fully realize what it meant to take my class and as a whole the classes work had progressed from an average of Ds to Cs with a few Bs and one singular A. My eyes flitted over to where she sat, she was wearing a yellow blouse and a tight skirt with the smallest slit at the leg. I did my best to not let those types of thoughts cloud my mind while i was teaching but i couldnt get her out of my mind, Lillian had me at her whim and she had no idea.

Leaning against my desk i sat on the edge, once everyone was in their seats i cleared my throat, grabbing attention.

"What does the work chaos mean to you? How does it feel? Have you ever experienced true and absolute chaos? Normally my class time is two hours but i feel that since this is a large topic we can cut the time in half shall we? I will give you an hour to write as much as you feel is needed to talk to me about Chaos, make me believe it. No matter how much or little you write, you will stay in your seats for the entire hour."

I saw a few students nod at me and everyone began, I took a slow long walk around the classroom, eyeing a few papers, giving no hint as to how I felt about what they had started writing. It wasn't my place to interrupt their creative process, i was here to give them a place to explore their minds and write more than what would be deemed normal.

Coming back around to the front of the class i stopped, watching her from the corner of my eye. Her posture was perfect, she never slouched and always looked like she had an answer for everything i had to offer. Some days i couldn't focus on anything else other than the way she pointed her feet when she crossed her legs, while i couldn't get fired for intimacy with a student most other teachers deemed it inappropriate. Almost as if she knew i was watching she switched her leg cross and begin to bounce her foot to a beat in her mind. What i would give to know what was going on inside her head. Making my way to my desk i sat down and begin to go over some emails, fighting the urge to look at her at every turn. Lillian was only two years younger than i am if her file was correct and i was man and sometimes the urge comes when you least expect it. like now, it was completely uncontrollable but suddenly i was hard in my jeans. It came upon so fast for a moment i thought i was lightheaded from the sudden onslaught of arousal, as if i was once again a 17 year old boy and not a fully grown man.

I refused to move, the urge to palm myself under my desk grew stronger and stronger and then i looked up and made eye contact with her, and she smirked at me, Almost like she knew exactly what torture i was going through. She uncrossed her legs and the movement brought my eyes down, unlike normal she didnt recross them, but left them slightly spread. Letting me see into the darkness between her thighs. Pulling my eyes back up to hers, she was once again looking at her paper still with a large smirk on her face. she was teasing me! She knew i was attracted to her and was using it to her advantage, for what i was not sure? She already had high marks in my class and was never late so i couldnt even fix any of that. What could she gain out of this?

Next thing i knew the students started filing up to the front, staring at my watch the hour had passed i just was not paying attention, i nodded as everyone left watching as she stayed in her seat, waiting for everyone to leave which was normal for her. Lillian didnt like to be rushed and would take her time doing whatever she was doing no matter what that meant for others. As the last student left she slowly stood and i felt the breath in my lungs halt, she approached my desk and set her paper down, waiting until i looked up at her, the moment i made eye contact she smiled, seeming pleased with me and the part of me that craved that preened slightly. she placed another paper down, much smaller than the other one and continued to hold my eyes.

"I think i would prosper from some extra tutoring dont you Alexander? I have written down my schedule and phone number, send me yours and we can make some time to get together. I would hate to see myself falling behind."

I opened my mouth to tell her i didnt do tutoring classes but she held up her hand, pushed the small paper closer to me, turned and left. The moment she was out of my classroom i gathered my things and ran to my car, gasping for air and fighting the urge to paint the inside of my pants like a child, i wanted her, needed her. I think she might want me as well and the idea that she could possibly be what i needed was almost too much to handle.

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