"We're going to be late if you keep this up," Yoongi scolded his daughter and pinched his nose in frustration. "For the last time, you're not going to wear your bunny slippers!"

"But Appa they're super comfy!" Mari argued with a pout. "It's like walking on clouds, please can I wear them?"

"This is a formal event, you have to wear your nice shoes," Yoongi said and handed said shoes (black dress shoes) to the young girl. "You can wear the bunny slippers when we get home, alright?"

"But I wanna wear them now!" Mari cries and stomps her foot, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "I hate those shoes, they make my feet hurt!"

"Min Mari you will put on these shoes or else no tv when we get back do you understand me?"

Mari faltered at that and Yoongi thought she was finally going to listen but instead it was much worse. Her lower lip wobbled then she balled up her fists and sunk to the floor, letting out a loud wail. Great, just what he needed to start the day, a toddler tantrum. The noirette sighed and crouched down next to the little girl. The young one tried to push him away but missed.

"How about we make a deal?" Yoongi suggested as he smoothed out his daughter's hair. "You can't wear your bunny slippers, but you don't have to wear the dress shoes. Instead we can put on your white vans, you like them right?"

Mari nodded, looking into the bag where said white vans were in. Yoongi smiled and helped Mari stand up.

"You can wear your bunny slippers when we get back tonight okay? Then we can watch a movie and eat ice cream, how's that sound?"

Mari shouted happily at the mention of ice cream and the previous tantrum was officially forgotten. She's probably really spoiled, but Yoongi can't stay mad at her for too long. It breaks his heart everytime she cries, so Yoongi does everything in his power to prevent her from doing so. Luckily the shoes still looked good with her outfit, a white blouse with fluffy sleeves and a dark blue overall-skirt. Yoongi's outfit looked good too, as he spent almost an entire week stressing out about it.

He wore a dark blue button up and white capri pants, along with light brown slip ons. Yoongi even had Mari and him wear matching sunglasses. They were prescription so Mari could still see out of them. With everything being taken care of, the father-daughter duo left the hotel. Yoongi called an Uber, the drive was over quick and soon he and his daughter arrived at the venue.

It was so much more beautiful than the pictures Yoongi had looked up. There were beautiful green trees and bushes surrounding a large plaza. The plaza had a bunch of balloons and flowers around the place, the roof of the gazebo type thing was covered in string lights. On the plaza were a bunch of tables, most for guests and a large rectangular table was at the front. Yoongi guessed that's where Namjoon and his fiancè, along with a few family members would sit.

Buffett tables were placed to the left, several long rows of all sorts of types of food and drinks were placed neatly. There was also a mini bar, complete with a few bar stools. It looked absolutely amazing and Yoongi was stunned by it all. Mari was excited too, she was looking from left and right seeing all the people buzzing around. Yoongi took her to the buffett table to get them both a cinnamon bun since they didn't have time for a full breakfast.

He turned and then blanked, not sure where to sit. Namjoon had told him that there were assigned tables. There was one for Bangtan but Yoongi had no idea where that was. There were tables everywhere, people too so it was hard to see where to go. Thankfully, luck seemed to be on Yoongi's side today.

"Hey Appa look, that man over there is waving at us!" Mari exclaimed, then pointed to where the man was.

Said man was none other than his hyung, Kim Seokjin. Yoongi smiled widely and quickly walked over there, taking Mari's hand as he did so. Only after getting their plates situated and Mari in a seat did Yoongi turn to his hyung. Jin all but tackled the younger in a hug, almost crushing his ribs. Yoongi just patted Seokjin's back the best he could, his arms being trapped.

"Ahh Yoongi-ah it's so good to see you again!" Seokjin exclaimed, squeezing the noirette one last time before pulling back. " I missed ya so much, how have you been?"

"I've been good," Yoongi says with a smile. "Greatest I've ever been, how about you?"

"I've been great too!" Seokjin beams. "My girls recently had their first tv performance and they did amazing. I'm so proud of them!"

Yoongi was proud of them too. Seokjin's girls were from the band he was managing. He knew this because he follows them on social media and kind of well, buys a lot of their merch. All for his daughter, of course. He never thought that Seokjin would become a manager, but he was extremely good at it.

"I saw it the other day," Yoongi says, surprising Seokjin. "They were extremely good, even if they were really nervous."

"Ah yeah," Seokjin spoke and suddenly his eyes went misty. "I remember our first tv performance, I was sweating bullets the entire time."

"Same here," Yoongi reminisces, smiling at the memory. "I swear I almost threw up when it was all over."

The topic changed after that, the two catching each other up with their lives. Yoongi introduced Seokjin to Mari, the elder made a funny face when she called him 'ahjussi'. It was hilarious, Yoongi almost couldn't stop laughing. Mari seemed to be doing well too, something that Yoongi was worried about. Instead of being overwhelmed and frightened by all the people, she seemed to bask in the attention.

Not long after Seokjin and Yoongi finished catching up, Namjoon along with a woman (presumably his future wife) walked up. Skipping the formalities, Namjoon wrapped Yoongi up in a big hug and spun him around. He apologized afterwards once Yoongi complained about being dizzy. Namjoon's future wife Eunwoo greeted them politely with a kind smile. When talking with her, Yoongi discovered that she was really funny and sweet, a great match for Namjoon.

The couple smiled when they saw Mari, Namjoon's eyes shined brightly. He had no problem at all talking to her and being friendly, Mari reacted to that well. It was like Namjoon knew exactly what to do.

"He's a music teacher," Eunwoo explained as she saw Yoongi watching the two. "Joonie's always been fond of kids, said he wanted probably six of them one day."

"Six? I can barely keep up with one," Yoongi joked, huffing a laugh when Namjoon made a silly face.

"Yeah, hopefully he settles for just three," Eunwoo giggles, smiling warmly at Namjoon. "He'd be such a good dad."


Namjoon eventually stepped away, giving Yoongi a handshake. He and Eunwoo had to go see how the other guests were doing.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it," Namjoon says, beaming at his hyungs. "I almost didn't think you would, if I'm being honest."

"Of course we'd come, your special day is right around the corner!" Yoongi exclaimed, patting Namjoon's arm playfully.

"Yeah, besides I-we wouldn't miss this for the world." Seokjin added, something weird in his voice.

"Thanks guys, it means so much," Namjoon said and started to walk off. "I'll be back in a bit!"

Before Yoongi could ask what was up with Jin more familiar faces showed up. Taehyung and Jimin showed up, acting like soulmates just like before. The diamond rings in their fingers were new though.

"We had a casual wedding," Jimin says once asked about it. "All we did was go to the courtroom and signed the official papers. Then we ordered pizza and watched movies all night."

"That's...that's nice Jiminie," Yoongi says with a smile, the nickname rolling off his tongue easily. "I'm happy for you two."

"Aw hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed emotionally, wrapping his arms around the elder.

"Yah, get off brat!" Yoongi grumbles, but made no move to shove Taehyung off.

The rest of the time was spent at the table, Mari formally introduced to Jimin and Taehyung. Taehyung was immediately smitten with the young girl, goofing off with her and making her laugh. Jimin looked at them for a split second before turning away. He started talking with Seokjin about something so Yoongi was left either looking at his phone or seeking out Namjoon. He chose the former since he didn't want to leave Mari's side. The noirette was currently replying to a work friend when he heard another familiar voice.

"Hey, hyungs!"

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