Soon To Be.....

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She sits up in bed,
Noise reaches her ears,
She crawls out of her bed,
To the stairs she goes,
she goes back to her room,
Why was mommy surrounded by papers and......
and crying?
So young and,
Ten to be,
No party,
No cake,
One small gift,
She's as happy as can be,
Her mommy's tears,
Reach her ears,
Mommy is at the table,
Hands on her head,
No more money,
To many Bills,
Student Loans,
Loads of Debt,
I'm Ashamed,
Her mommy cries,
mommy says,
A cake and party,
There should have been,
No money to spare,
Fridge is bare,
High school nears,
She sees clear,
Help wanted,
Applications get filled,
She fits in well,
Grades falter,
Her earnings disappear,
Mommy breathes easy,
But only for a moment,
How brief it maybe,
Its all she needs,
To know mommy no longer sheds,
Those sad sad tears.
Over and over,
She'd do it again,
Drop from school,
Fully employed,
Money to spare,
Mommy smiling,
A sad smile at,
The soon to be your average teen.

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