Baby Girl

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Daddy and mommy yelling.

She runs to her room scared.

Mommy screams,

Followed by a thud.

Just a normal night.

A once terrified child,

Suddenly brave,

Standing up to daddy,

No more hurting mommy!

She stands by mommy,

Who can't stand on her own.

Not letting daddy through.

No more hurting mommy!

She looks in his eyes,

With determination,

And hatred.

Daddy takes a step back,

Falling to his knees,

Tears echoing through the night,

Daddy cries,

No more hurting mommy!

The words ring in his ear,

He's afraid,

He lost his baby girl.

For now she looks to him,

Like those behind bars.

As a Monster.

No more hurting mommy!

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