Maybe blaise ain't that bad

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Yes Blaise is fine, like really fine. But he still hangs with annoying Draco. That makes anyone a walking red flag.

I'm a slytherin and also a muggle born so it is a little annoying to be called a mudblood all day long. I mean Blaise never called me it. He's never even talked to me. He just side eyes me all the time. I don't even breathe close to him so I don't know why he does.

"Hey you're in my seat!" Pansy screams, For some reason she gets mad at me more often now. "I don't see the words dumb b**** on it ." I tried to say without laughing, " You're really testing your luck you ugly little mudblood!" Draco comes yelling , damn can't he mind his business for once. " Damn that really hurts my feelings it's not like you call me that everyday." I say walking away, " I think it's about time you start to listen to me!" He yells to me

                                             A  Little Later 

We're not aloud to be outside the dorm after curfew but lucky for me the only person here that doesn't hate me is the musty man and his rat, JK their pretty nice to me so.  I go to the library because the books at hogwarts are pretty interesting. I use a light charm to see the shelves, I grab a book on witch and wizard history and sit down. I start to hear footsteps after a while, weird because Filch knows where I go and leaves me alone. I stand up to have a better view of whatever it is. suddenly someone grabs me by the waist and puts their hand on my mouth. I look up to see...Blaise! He finally lets go of me and just stares into my soul." You got something to say?" I tried to be confident  but the whole waist grab gave me butterflies. " It's best if I don't try to explain this." He said as he pulled me closer to him. Now I was getting really red, I wasn't gonna stop him because I wanted him to kiss me weirdly. As soon as I stopped spacing out it was to late. His lips were already on mine. They surprisingly were soft, I guess all that money went to chapstick. 

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