Chapter 46: His companion

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To everyone, it was clear what the invitation mean by the young lady to the third prince.

Openly saying to prepare a separate room for the prince was an open invitation. As if the two had a deeper relationship which allows her for his future visit, an unmarried lady showing her consent to possible future of them together.

She even used the situation at the border for her scheme.

Ilios was no stranger to that kind of hidden agenda and deception, as the third prince had plenty of experience with throwing away women who tried to climb his bed or coveted his power and influence.

He was both Harthemr's general and prince, anyone would want to have such man with such power, influence and wealth to be their man. This would result to using all means to make it happen.

Hence, he will immediately know everytime another one of such pest would try to an attempt.

If this happened to him before, he would have ignored this shameless act or give them a stern warning.

But now he wasn't a single man anymore and is now committed to a relationship that he wished to last even after death, a relationship that doesn't deserve such disrespect.

The Wilis daughter must have forgotten how he publicly turned down anyone who tried to act close to him or tried to woo him with their words.

He won't let this insult pass without any consequences.

"Your h-highness, I- " the young lady paled.

" I don't want to beat around the bush. I do not want to be mistaken to have an intimate relationship with another person, especially when it would affect my relationship which I do not wish to happen. So I suggest you cease those thoughts."

His words had embarrassed her and she turned read from getting caught by the prince.

" I didn't m-mean, it was not my intention to--" Enrie sputters panicky and tries to save her face but the third prince was having none of it.

"I hope you understand why I'm implying count Wilis " he ignores the lady, whose face turned red from embarrassment and shame.

His words were clear.

" Control Your Family."

As for the poor lady.

" Don't make me use force for your silence "

She had never experienced rejections before and never knew how ruthless and uncaring the prince was to his admirers.

Although Rosaria was in the same room as these people, she didn't understand anything they were talking about.

Not knowing what set off Ilios, not understanding why the maids had lowered their heads with nervous expressions, nor the reason why the countess had a look of fear as if her family would be sent to the gallows the next day.

Even if she didn't know the contents of their exchange, Rosaria had a hunch.

The deafening silence had made the atmosphere drop to zero, and Ilios gaze had made the people motionless from fear.

Rosaria had stopped eating and placed down her utensils, she glance at the countess and then at Ilios before lowering her hand and touching his thigh.

Rosaria could feel him change his expression from anger it turned to calm as he turn to look at her. That's the moment everyone could finally stop holding their breath.

" It seems like there's been a disagreement in your exchange? " Rosaria dabs a napkin on her lips and finally spoke, her soft tone affecting the people in the room.

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