Chapter 2

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The front door of the apartment on the corridor side was upholstered in expensive, high-quality wood, but when I knocked on the wall, I heard a distinct metallic rumble. A small panel nearby, to which I had to put a magnetic key card, made it clear that the entrance to my apartment was well protected. The only clothes I found were a pair of decent jeans, T-shirts, and a few pairs of sneakers. Did this guy really need so little of everything? I'd have to buy some more clothes sometime. The electronic lock beeped, letting me out into the well-kept corridor of the skyscraper. The elevator was very fast and completely silent, apparently some kind of local technology. The lobby of the first floor was a few more elevators, a carpeted path from the entrance to these very elevators, figuratively trimmed decorative trees in pots, and a security post, on which there was now a tall blonde in black baggy pants, tall heavy boots, in a tank top that tightened her respectable bust. She had a pistol holster attached to her right leg. When she saw me, she opened her eyes in surprise and examined herself meticulously before walking toward me.

 - Mr. Richter, - her voice was surprisingly pleasant, - I don't get to see you very often, is something wrong? Do you have something to report or ask for? - the woman folded her arms under her chest, which made her look even bigger.

 - N-no, I just thought I'd take a walk and do a little grocery shopping.

- Tired of ordering uncooked food? I understand, they only ruin your health. By the way, I'm an excellent cook. If you need any advice or help, you're welcome, - the guard winked and smiled slyly.

- Um, okay, - I said, not quite sure how to answer her, and headed for the exit, feeling her stare on my butt.

- Have a nice day! - The girl's voice came over me.


What can I say about this strange world after a few hours of walking? New York was still being rebuilt after an alien attack. I lived in a pretty good neighborhood-the streets were clean, there were plenty of police (almost all women, who looked me over with their eyes as if I were a suspicious teenager), and there were expensive clothing and food stores. I saw this for myself when I looked at the prices. And although I had more than enough money to buy food for a whole feast, but I could not afford to buy them - I would not forgive myself for such spending, because just a couple of days ago I looked for all sorts of discounts and promotions on products. I had to do a lot of walking and searching for stores with more or less acceptable prices.

There were a lot of girls and women, and they were all beautiful or pretty, as if there were no ugly women born in this world. And they all looked at you with looks and faces, as if they had already dragged me to their place and tied me to the bed. A dozen times they "accidentally" bumped into me, groping me in different places in those few seconds. It was quite embarrassing. I just didn't know how to react to all of this, so I decided that the best solution for me was to just ignore it all. At the supermarket, all those who were standing at the checkout line waiting their turn, tactfully let me go ahead of them. The consultants at the clothing store insistently offered to go into the fitting booth with me, as they said, "to see how the clothes fit me live and to find the perfect fit. But only the way to my new home I do not remember. So I had to take a cab, and I managed to take a picture of the address on my phone. The cab driver turned out to be a young girl, and she was making eyes at me in the rearview mirror the whole way. Also, the first thing all women and girls looked at was... no, not my groin, but my hands. Or rather, on their fingers, looking for an engagement ring. After all, even if there was one, it was acceptable to become a wife of some sort, but if the man was not ringed... At one point I was even a little afraid under all the hungry stares.

As soon as I stepped back into the skyscraper, the same guard simply snatched my bags out of my hands and helped me carry them to my apartment, and I didn't have time to object. As she walked back to her post, she wiggled her hips so much that I couldn't help but stare. Turning around and a satisfied chuckle, the girl went on.


So, more than a month went by unnoticed. I still went out for walks around the city and groceries, women still looked me over and kind of casually pawed me, they often came up on the street to meet me or ask me out, and the guard downstairs kept making eyes at me and knocking on my door, just to "cook" something for me. Maybe most of the guys thought they were in paradise, but the local women were so insistent on showing signs of attention that it was uncomfortable. Once I saw a red and blue Spider-Girl figure flicker between skyscrapers. There were frequent news reports of heroes and villains fighting here and there all over the city. How could anyone even live here in peace?

One morning, for the first time, Peter's phone rang. The screen lit up "Sister," and I pondered for a while whether or not I should have answered. Could she have known from her voice that I wasn't Peter? I don't think so, but I shouldn't dismiss that theory out of hand. I could have ignored it, but what if it was her usual test? You know, like, did her brother die of loneliness and isolation? And if I didn't answer, then she would definitely suspect something. Taking a deep breath, I pressed "accept":

- Yes?

- Brother! Hello, hello! How are you? Have you forgotten what the sun looks like yet? - The voice of the woman, the older sister, sounded rather cheerful. An exasperated sigh escaped on its own, and memory told me that Peter didn't like it when Jessica (thanks again to the memory that brought with it a headache) called him that.

- How many times have I asked you not to call me that?

- Ooh, still the same boo? - There was a funny laugh on the other end of the phone, and the woman must have known it. - How are you, little brother?

- Is it still the same? - I said, hoping she wouldn't hear the question.

- I didn't doubt that, - Jessica sighed. There was silence for a few seconds, and then the woman hesitantly continued: - Listen, I have a favor to ask you...

- Which one? - my left eyebrow rose in surprise.

- Recently, a colleague of mine came to New York for work...

- Oh, no, - I sighed heavily again. I'd already forgotten how much this body's female relatives loved to play matchmaker.

- Don't sigh so doomfully, wait! - pleaded Jessica. - She really is a good woman, and...

- A woman? How old is she? - The sister mumbled something faintly. - Sister?

- Thirty-two... - said the sister in a tone that sounded like she was confessing to a mass murder.

- She's almost ten years older than me.

- So what? She's beautiful, smart, funny, and what breasts and hips! Wow! I myself sometimes catch myself looking at her! It's a joke! - After my long silence still added a newfound kinswoman. - You know I'm all about the guys, if only to find them.

I wondered. Maybe it really is time to take advantage of this world's peculiarity. Since I'm here anyway. Ugh. And it's just a date, right? What could possibly go wrong?

- Okay, I agree.

- Really?! - I could practically hear her eyes widen and her eyebrows creep up in surprise. - I mean, yeah, how could you refuse a date with her? Thanks, bro, I'll make her happy, but in the meantime, I'll send you pictures of her, so you'll know her when you see her. Bye-bye, little brother, kisses.

Jessica passed out, and soon she sent me pictures of the woman I was supposed to meet. There were a lot of them, and only two showed her face, the rest were of a more racy nature. I have to admit, the woman really was beautiful. Especially in that set of underwear, and in the hot tub, and... Okay, I could go on and on.

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