Chapter 3

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The date night took place almost a week and a half later, in one of the chicest restaurants in town, with some French name, and where tables had to be booked several days in advance. Since I can't go to such a place in jeans and a T-shirt, because they simply wouldn't let me in and wouldn't understand me, I had to go back to get some clothes. And so, in a decent three-piece suit and shoes polished to a shine, I arrived at the restaurant. The girl at the front desk smiled sweetly at me and undid one more button on her snow-white blouse.

- Welcome to Amour Merveilleux. How may I help you, sir?

- Hello. I have an appointment here with Miss Alicia Smith.

- Let's see. Okay, - the girl glanced quickly over the list, - yeah, here it is. Miss Alicia is waiting for you. Please follow me, - she led me through the already crowded hall, wiggling her butt slightly in her tight skirt.

Almost all the tables were occupied. The rare empty ones were clearly waiting for their guests. Almost all of the couples were woman plus woman, or girl plus girl, but even so, many of them looked me over.

- Your table, sir. - the girl smiled again and put the menu in front of the empty table.

At the other end of the table sat my sister's colleague. A naked dress with a deep cleavage that emphasized her breasts, and a neckline at the hem, revealing a view of her long and slender legs. A minimum of makeup on her face, just lipstick, and mascara to emphasize the already long eyelashes. Lush blonde hair was intricately styled. The woman smiled charmingly as I approached, and stood up from the table.

- Alicia? Jess said you were beautiful, but she's obviously an understatement, - I flattered the woman and kissed her perfectly manicured hand.

- Thank you, - the woman said and smiled slightly, flushed like a schoolgirl, and then even pushed my chair back to help me sit down, causing my right eye to twitch a couple of times.

The evening was going well, with great food and great wine. Alicia proved to be a very interesting companion, laughing with a laugh, and after the second bottle of wine I felt her foot under the table stroking my leg. She was smiling innocently. But I could see in her eyes that she had already decided for herself how this evening was going to end. Slightly drunk from the wine and from the sight of a beautiful woman beside me, I was also not against such an end to the evening. I covered the woman's hand with mine, smiled back at her, and reached forward toward her. Alicia's eyes lit up, her breathing quickened, and she was ready to answer me, when the loud ringing of her cell phone from her purse made her swear and reach for the device.

- Damn it! Why didn't I turn it off? It's such a gorgeous night! - The woman was about to turn it off and go back to the kiss, but when she saw who was calling her, she changed her face. - Forgive me, I have to answer! - The woman literally begged and ran off briskly toward the restrooms. Alicia returned a few minutes later with a sad and apologetic expression. - I'm really sorry, but there's been an emergency at work, so I need to get there as soon as possible.

- Is it something serious?

- I guess so. - the woman confessed. - Waitress, the bill, please! - Alicia quickly paid the bill, picked up her purse, and hesitantly crumpled in place. - Sorry again, I...

I got up from my seat and quickly put my arm around her waist and kissed her. She squeaked in surprise at first, then pressed her body against mine in return and practically floated in my arms.

- Well... hmm... yes, - Alicia blushed and looked around uncertainly. She got a lot of envious looks in return.

- Here is my number. - the woman took a pen and a piece of paper out of her bag and quickly wrote down her number, and defiantly slipped it into my pants pocket, keeping her hand there longer than it was supposed to. - I hope to see you again! - Alicia ran off with those words.

I just had to look her over. Sighing tiredly, I slowly walked toward the exit. First of all, there were a lot of hungry eyes staring at me again, and it was obvious that some were ready to approach me, and secondly, my sexual tension was still at its peak, and I had to hurry home- I had to take care of myself tonight.


I decided to walk a couple of streets back home. I wanted to think and get some fresh air. Should I call Alicia tomorrow?


I was distracted from my thoughts by a loud noise in one of the alleys between the buildings. It sounded as if someone had bumped or hit a tin trash can with force. The street was lit up, but I couldn't see anything but those trash cans.


The sound was repeated, and one of the trash cans shook slightly. I hesitantly stepped from foot to foot and looked around. Somewhere in the distance was a small group of young girls chirping merrily about something. In the gap between a couple of houses, numerous cars flashed by. Nearby was a small coffee shop, still open, and on the other side of the street were several policemen. All in all, I was not alone, and a repeat of the usual horror movie scene I could not fear. But did I need it? To venture into a deserted alleyway, albeit well-lit? After all, it could have been a cat or a rat or a raccoon.


While I was contemplating, the noise repeated itself. On the other hand, I am now in a world where the most unthinkable things are possible, and this suspicious noise could be something quite unusual. After a few more minutes of uncertainty, I decided to check what was making such a noise. I began to walk as quietly as possible toward the bins, which were suspiciously silent as I approached them. I grabbed the lid of the one that was swinging, and slowly began to open it, moving as far away as possible.



A cat jumped out of the trash can and, hissing angrily at me, ran off somewhere. I jumped up about a meter and looked at the cat with a frightened look. Fucking hell, some monsters locked a cat in a trash can, and I had already managed to imagine myself. When the racing pulse had calmed down a bit, I put the lid back on the trash can and headed back to my apartment, but I wasn't even two feet away:

- Mfph!

Something sticky and sticky fell from above and prevented me from screaming, filling my nose and mouth. A second later, darkness set in.

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