Chapter 6

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      It was getting late and Chantelle was tired. It had been a busy night at the bar in the Fairmont Hotel and she wanted to go home, have a hot shower and fall into bed. At least the crowd was thinning out now as people either went home or moved on to other bars or clubs. She glanced at the clock. Just after eleven, only an hour of her shift left.

After clearing a table of empty glasses she noticed a man walk in and sit at a table at the back of the bar. She walked up to take his order.

"Good evening, sir, what can I get for you?"

She instantly felt his eyes roving over her body, staring at her chest as if he could see through her white blouse, then his gaze dropped past the hem of her black skirt to take in her bare thighs.

"I can tell you what I'd like you to get for me, darlin'," he grinned, "but I'll start with a whisky rocks."

"What a sleaze," Chantelle said to her co-worker Jan, as she prepared his drink, "I hope he leaves after this drink."

"Not with the way he's eyeing you off," Jan observed, "He's here for awhile. Would you like me to take his drink to him? I'll give you the tip."

"No, thanks anyway but I can handle him. I'm used to his type."

The man was texting on his phone, but he immediately put it down as Chantelle put his drink down on the table."

"That will be nine fifty," she said briskly.

"Sure, honey," he said handing her a twenty dollar note from his wallet, "Keep the change."

As she took the money, the man's hand suddenly slipped around behind her waist and dropped down to stoke the back of her left thigh.

She jumped back almost dropping the tray. "Keep your hands off me!" she snapped, "or I'll call the manager and have you thrown out of here!"

"I'm so sorry, darlin'," the man said with a grin, obviously not sorry at all, "but I was hoping you might come up to my room for a little party for two. What time do you get off work?"

"Asshole," Chantelle muttered under her breath as she strode back to the bar.

"What happened?" Jan asked, noticing Chantelle's black look.

"He groped me."

"Oh a groper. Did he at least give you a good tip?"

Chantelle continued her shift, keeping an eye on the troublesome customer. Every time she glanced in his direction he was staring at her.

"Hey, you might be off the hook with Mr Groper," Jan said a few minutes later when they were both behind the bar, "He's found someone else."

Chantelle glanced across the room. The man had almost finished his drink, but now his gaze was directed at a blonde woman who had just sat down the table next to him.

A minute later Chantelle took the woman's order. She could see why the groper was interested in her. She was tall and slim with long blonde hair, probably in her late twenties. Attractive, but with an excess of make-up. Probably a hooker she thought.

The man waved her over to take his next drink order, but this time he was so distracted by the blonde that he hardly even glanced at Chantelle. Five minutes later as she brought the drinks over, the man was sitting at the woman's table. As she walked up she heard him say, "Why don't you come up to my room after this drink and we can continue there." He glanced at Chantelle's name badge. "Hey, Chantelle, why don't you join us when you finish work?"

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