illicit affairs

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Look at this idiotic fool you made me
You taught me a secret language
I can't speak with anyone else
And you know damn well
I would ruin myself
For a million little times

- illicit affairs, taylor swift

"And I was prepared to live my life in a loveless marriage, until you came. Now, I cannot bare to think of a day when you are not with me, I do not think I am brave enough."

- emily bridgerton to althea haywood

"Eloise dreams of remaining unmarried.  I dream of becoming a wife to a woman, of having a wife."

-emily bridgerton to benedict bridgerton

"And if I were on my death bed, all I would want is her. I would rise from the dead if Althea demanded it of me. That is not confusion, that is love."

- emily bridgerton to violet bridgerton


They're lesbians, Harold.

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