Mission of the Wave and a Friend

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Naruto was lying on his back smoking a cigarette while looking at the cloud with Shikamaru and both of them were high.

For Naruto, his life went to shit the minute he graduated the academy at 8 years old. He was thrown on the street by his loving family and his last name was changed so no one knew who his family was. He was now 12 and was having a pleasant smoking session with his friend at the academy who just graduated himself cus he was lazy, not that Naruto cared. He still was friends with the chill guy even after he graduated early.

Naruto himself was considered the sluty fox of Konoha. He was already anbu ranked and wore the white fox spirit  half mask that only covered his upper face when working with a black scandalous outfit that leaves little to the imagination, as for Naruto, he uses his highly formed body to confuse his enemies and then bites them in more ways than one could imagine. Naruto would openly admit that it made him horny when he saw the blood he carved from another human. He speculated that was why he was thrown on the street. Because of his kinks.

"So… *puffs out the last of his cigarettes* I've been thinking super hard and like… I can't wrap my head around why you were thrown out ...."

"Cus I am a threat? I mean… they never did shit in training me so I trained myself. I guess they didn't want a whore like me to be a namikaze… or Uzumaki. They changed my last name to Yumi after all."

"Ain't it good to know their son was a threat? It had be something else that got under their skin?"

"I don't fucking know either. If I could, I would fucking ask but the only time I am allowed to talk to them is for missions. My own sisters don't even fucking remember that I am thier older bro anymore."



Naruto scooted up a little so he was at the same height as Shikamaru and kissed him.

"If you ever learn, my sweet… fucking let me know and Ill let you fuck my brainsnout in graditude."

"Can I fucking humilate you?"

"You can fucking try."

"Shit. That is tempting then. I will ask around my area… see if my father knows, if not, I will go the alley route. I got enough to see."

"You are the sexiest cunt I know, Shika. We should head back to your place before your dad kills me."

"Fuck. Okay… didn't know it was getting that late."

Both Naruto and Shikamaru somehow made it to his compound and Shikamaru's dad scoffed at the state they were in.

"How much did you two smoke?"

"Enough to forget shit for a few hours. But not enough to cause a blackout."

"Well then. I will deal with my son."

"Don't. I ghosted him into smoking that much. Wh-when I am down from my high I will come back and recive whatever fucked up punishment in his stead."



"Sure. It would be bragging rights to say I spanked the slut of a konoha so hard he was left weeping."

"Deal then. Imma go and ride this weed shit off then."

Naruto stumbled his way into the anbu district and somehow unlocked the door perfectly before collapsing onto his couch and zoning out while staring at the ceiling for a few hours before he passed out. He had a huge migraine when he woke up, but knew it wasn't gonna go away with pills so he groaned and went back to Shikamaru's place, knocking on the door.

Naruto Uzumaki : The Foxy AnbuWhere stories live. Discover now