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Gospel ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻  ⫻ ⫻ ⫻

Life could be better but I honestly could care less at this point. Vil's gone to go get those new first years, ugh. Being a first year is the worst! Luckily I'm a second year now.

Anyways, I was playing on my phone because I have nothing better to do. Rook and Vil gave up on trying to make me proper a few months ago, mostly because Leona was supposedly 'corrupting my mind', according to literally anyone from Pomefiore I bumped into.

I was playing SEKAI, a survival game based around music and advanced technology from different worlds. Basically, you have different stages, and you must go through at least twenty to thirty stages each chapter. There are sixty four chapters in total. I'm on chapter forty two. Apparently, I binge game like that dorm leader of Ignihyde, but I can't blame him. Video games are always the best way to get lost within something, except from books.

I  continued jabbing at my phone's screen when a message popped up in the middle of the round. Stupid people, always ruining my alone time. I swear one day this school will feel my wrath, and that is not a threat, that is a promise.

*Ugh, what does whoever messaged me want, I'm in the middle of something*

I opened mesigical, the messaging app if you didn't know, and it was Azul. That's strange, Azul usually doesn't  message me unless he needs help in the lounge. Isn't he at the ceremony at the moment?

I clicked on Azul's name and a video loaded. I pressed the play button which then showed me a cat? With fire seething from its ears? And it was blowing fire balls everywhere. Holy Sevens, is that Riddle? Hang on, and Azul. Wait Riddle's going to...




I started to giggle, which turned into a laugh. What even was a cat doing on school grounds? This video honestly made my day, and thank god no one heard or saw me laugh, that would've been bad. I don't laugh in front of anyone except my closest friends because why would I laugh with or at anyone else?

If you couldn't tell, I'm a little mean. Not in a bad way, but a playful way!


^What the heck Azul?! What even is that cat thingy? Like whaaat!! ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)^


Had to give the man something to reply to. How'd he even film that? He was up there with Riddle, so who...

Leona you sneaky lion. You filmed that didn't you? Well I hope so, but then again, my instincts usually never fail me.


^Just a matter of blackmail that Leona happened to record for me. Though I must thank him, he did do a splendid job not falling asleep whilst recording. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)^


This man seriously thinks he can get away with this but one day all this terror will fall down on him just you watch.


^Okaaaaay??? Well, I'm going to message Leona, if he's not asleep. Is he?^

^No, in fact I don't think he's in the mood to sleep, looking kind of grumpy not going to lie.^

^Sounds like Leona. Imma go now, bye bye!!!^

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