Chapter 1

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Gospel ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻

Here it was. The official first day of Second Year, and boy was I nervous. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore it here, I just heard that Trein was going to be ten times as strict.

Ah, good old Trein, the teacher of my favourite subject. However, he definitely isn't my favourite teacher, Crewel takes that spot. I guess Crewel has always looked out for me, because apparently I'm almost identical to a puppy in his book, AKA, he thinks of me as his child.

As I arose from my bed, I looked over to Epel, who was still sleeping soundly, even though my alarm had just started ringing. I decided I'd let him get a few more minutes in whilst I got ready.

Walking over to my wardrobe, I put  hand through my hair and ruffled it. The first step to doing my hair. I opened my wardrobe and took out the NRC uniform, and walked over to the bathroom that was connected to mine and Epel's room.

Slipping off my t-shirt and shorts (yes I wear 'girly' clothes to bed), I slid on a new pair of underwear before looking at my chest in the mirror. A scar was drawn from my left shoulder blade, to my right hip. Maybe if I hadn't been so careless and taken that damn child to help look for his family, this never would've happened.

I'm so fidgety now as well, thumping my left foot most of the time and shaking my hands, as if I had just done an exercise and needed to stretch them. It bugged me how I was always so jittery after the accident, but what can you do. I was a stupid nine year old.

Snapping back to reality, I pulled on my uniform, and secured my purple armlet to my upper arm.

I quickly rushed back into the dorm room and gently nudged Epel. He groaned and I chuckled at his reaction, but he really did need to get ready.

"Hey, Mr Epel, you need to get dressed Darling."

He immediately shot up, and continuously apologised for his behaviour, but I didn't mind. I was like this with Rook all the time. It'd be a bit hypocritical to say it wasn't acceptable.

Epel rushed to get dressed as I walked to the vanity that Epel and I were to share. I started to brush my frizzy hair, and softly curled the brush upwards at the ends, as to create the fluffy effect. I applied curl defining cream and hair oil to make sure that my hair would stay healthy throughout the day.

I had just then remembered that Epel had seem my face, so I was able to put on the tiniest bit of makeup to my upper face.

I brushed a light layer of black eyeshadow on my eyelids, and made sure it got darker as it went under my eye.

I drew along my lower waterline with a white eyeliner, and dotted it in the corner of my eye. I blended the black undereye so that the white eyeliner would look as natural as possible.

I sketched over my brows, and placed concealer on my forehead, to get rid of any unwanted marks.

I looked nice, I guess you could say. I looked to my right to see Epel applying a small bit of makeup to, looking in the mirror from beside me. I mumbled a quick apology, and walked to my nightstand to get a new mask.

As I slid on the mask around my ears, I felt it tug at one of the many ear piercings I have, and I immediately adjusted it. I'd rather not have a chunk of my ear come out just because of a mask.

"Um, Gospel-Sama, are you ready to go? I was wondering if you needed to do anything before class."

"Oh, well I do need to get my daily cup of coffee, and I need to take you to your first class, so lets go."

Epel nodded and followed closely behind me.

Time Skip ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻

A small sigh escaped my lips as I made my way over to Trein's class. Epel had a lot of strange people in his class, and I didn't really want to get involved with them. So I just gave Epel a small kiss on the back of his hand and left.

I was in class D, meaning I have no clue who I'm with, because I was in class F last year. Usually, we stay in the same class all the while we are here, but there were to many people in F, so I said I'd join another class.

I opened the door to see there was around ten people already here, all sat near the front. Thank goodness, that means I get the back corner. I walked over to the corner by the window at the back and placed my History books on the desk and sat down.

Placing my chin on my hand, I stared out the window to see Malleus' class outside, they probably had fitness. I was staring long enough for Malleus and some other people to see me. I waved down at the dragon and he waved back, before getting back to the jog everyone did before fitness.

"Ney~ It's Sea Sheep-Chan!"

Oh. My. Days.

I turned around to see Floyd Leech sat next to me, his books already on the desk, and I realised I'd be next to him for the next year in every class now. You see in every class, you have to sit in the same seat you sit on in the first lesson of the year. Woohoo.

"Morning Flounder."

"I told you not to call me that Sea Sheep~"

"Would you rather not be special, and me call you Floyd?"

He shook his head from left to right, and I just smiled from under my mask. That was until I had seen that he had shuffled his desk over so it was closer to mine, and I knew exactly why. Floyd had this thing for me laying my head on his shoulder, his excuse being was that it was comforting. So, I've had to do that every chance I get, according to him.

I sighed, and laid my head on his shoulder, when I felt a small weight on head, which was him trying to lay on top of me. I had to admit, it was cute how many times this guy tried to be close to me, and I guess I just really liked it.

Floyd's not as scary as people make him out to be, in fact, he's extremely misunderstood. May the Seven bless the poor boy, he's in his own little world, unaware of the vile things the boys here call him.

I diverted my gaze to the door which had just opened, only to see professor Trein and his familiar. He looked over the classroom, and so did I. I quickly realized many seats were empty. May the Beautiful Queen have mercy on their souls. The only excuse that would be pliable here is that they physically could not get out of bed, or were in the nurses office.

"Well, I'll be reporting to Crewel that some of his students clearly still haven't learnt proper etiquette. Welcome 2D to your first history lesson of the school year."

As Trein walked towards his desk, he pulled out what I'm pretty sure was the thickest book on Twisted Wonderland (For reference, Les Misérables is over 1000 pages long depending on the size).

Meh, who cares, I'll memorize it in a day or two.

"For this year, I expect everyone's fullest attention. During the rest of your stay here, your 2nd year in History is crucial to passing your mid term exams in your 3rd years, as a lot of it will show up. Sleeping is still not permitted, if you are to be seen asleep, I will not hesitate to immediately give you punishment, understood?"

Everyone murmured a 'Yes professor', and immediately decided:

Screw this, I hope both sides of your pillow(s) are warm at night!

And internally placed a curse upon the teacher (except from me, never would I bestow a curse even upon my worst enemy).

Well folks, this is going to be one hell of a year! Would you...

Care to join me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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