Chapter 5: The Phone Call

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You awoke the next morning to your phone buzzing. A call. You grumbled and reached over, grabbing your phone and looking to the Caller ID. It was a number you didn't recognize. You decided to actually answer it..

"Hello..?" you let out groggily, unsure why you were being called this early. 

"Hello. Is this [Y/N] [L/N]? This is Melvin Acme. We spoke on the phone about two weeks ago. I heard a rumor that you were in town. That true? Old family friend said they saw someone who matched your description." An old, family friend..?

"Yeah. I'm in ToonTown.. I'm at the, uhh, Foxbrush Motel.." you responded. "I got here yesterday and got a room for a few days. I'm not expected until tomorrow.. r-right?"

Melvin seemed to reassure you. "Yes. You're correct. We're not expecting you until tomorrow. I'm just calling because I heard you'd arrived early.. Foxbrush, huh? You that strapped on cash?" 

"No. I just went for the cheapest option to save money, so I can get a place here if I land the job.." you responded. "Y'know. That way, if I don't get it, I don't lose out on anything.." And you'd have to drive all the fucking way across the goddamn country to go home.

"If..? Buddy, you practically nailed it already. We really need people, so we're taking in anybody interested. Just swing by 57 Iwerks tomorrow morning some time before 10AM. We'll meet up, and I'll give you the run-down of what you're gonna be doing."

You gave a blink. "Oh. Huh. Alright." That was a bit of a surprise, just being handed a fucking job. "I'll see you then. I take it you're a busy man, so I don't want to waste too much of your time for now.." Or maybe you just wanted to find a place to eat breakfast and properly wake up. 

Melvin chuckled. "You sure you don't wanna sleep more..? I'll tell you what. The fact you carted yourself across the country that quick does say a bit. If you're that strapped for cash? How's 'bout I give you a hiring bonus? Your information in the application's still valid, right?"

"U-uhh, yes, but.. I don't want to be a burden here. I-" You were a bit surprised that this guy was seemingly okay with just giving you cash, despite the fact you'd barely spoken.

"Nonsense.. You came all this way and found ToonTown with little to no help. You're obviously the kind of person we need here. Someone dedicated. Someone eager. I'll send you a little somethin'-somethin' to get you acclimated here, and we'll meet tomorrow. Don't worry about payin' it back. It's a gift! Ciao." And Melvin hung up. 

You were taken aback by all of this. With the call having ended, you laid back and let out a sigh. If this would be your new boss, maybe you'd be on easy street.. The name was familiar, though. Acme. Something about that rang a bell. Eh. Whatever. Then, your phone buzzed again. It was an alert from your bank account, saying you'd received a payment. The payment was.. $750?! Holy shit! There was a note attached to it. 

'Enjoy your hiring bonus. Get yourself some breakfast and find yourself a place to stay. If all works out, ToonTown will be your home soon - Melvin A.'

Well, that took care of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.. for a bit.

Straight from the Horse's Mouth - (Horace Horsecollar x Male!Human!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now