Chapter 6: Your First Day

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The day was filled with relaxation. You went out to a few local restaurants, and then went back to the motel afterward to rest and watch television, or surf the internet on your laptop. Mister Acme's generous 'hiring bonus' had made your first day in ToonTown a whole lot more comfortable. 

That night was filled with dreams of what your first day at work would be like. Soon-enough, you ended up finding out. You were so worn out from your trip and found the bed so comfortable that you ended up falling asleep in your regular clothes.

You awoke bright and early, took a shower, and changed into some professional-looking clothes. A blue, collared dress shirt. Black pants. A black tie. White socks. Black loafers. Basic, professional clothes. You drove to the address mentioned the previous day. 57 Iwerks. It was an older, brick building. You parked in one of the spots, and stepped from the car.

It was oddly awe-inspiring seeing this building up close. Just think.. You'll be working here. You soon-enough found the door and entered, seeing some sort of toon at the desk. Some sort of dog. Obviously female from the hair atop their head and their body shape.

"You that [L/N] guy..?" asked the dog. You gave a nod. "That's me.." She nodded quietly. "Head through the door t' my right. Follow the hallway all the way down. Mister Acme's office is at the end of the hall. Y' can't miss it."

You nodded quietly, and stepped through the door she'd pointed you toward..

The next few hours all seemed to blend together. You met Melvin Acme, and he showed you around the place. You found out that you'd be working as an assistant for the various toons doing work in ToonTown.. Seems you'd mainly be working with the Disney toons as well, since this business had a contact with Disney.

You'd be working with Disney toons! That sounded amazing! The pay sounded good, and the benefits seemed to be pretty good too! The job sounded pretty good so far.

So far, everything seemed pretty goddamn cool!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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