Knight In Faded Flannel Part 6

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The moment Ashley pulled up in front of her house, her nerves started to dominate the arousal that had been slowly building ever since they left White Diamonds. She was hoping for a night of fun and passion with her crush, but realizing shortly after Rayne expressed what she wanted, it hit Ashley that Rayne would be entering her home, a home she had built with her wife. Ashley knew it wasn't going to be easy after all.

Rayne leaned toward Ashley, making Ashley think she was coming in for a kiss and on instinct, she turned her head and met her lips. A quick press of their lips before Ashley pulled away to a smiling Rayne, who shrugged and said, "Not what I was seeking out, but I'm not complaining."

Ashley blushed and turned away fighting the smile that was trying to light up her face. "Sorry."

Rayne kissed her on the cheek then said, "I was checking out your gorgeous house, but a kiss was better."

"Thank you... for the compliment on the house not the kiss." Ashley suddenly realized how her words sounded and quickly back pedaled. "Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that. I enjoyed the kiss, all our kisses, I just—" She was silenced with Rayne's lips pressed to hers, Ashley's body relaxed and felt herself sinking further into her seat. When Rayne pulled away, Ashley licked her swollen lips as she tried to calm her erratic beating heart. "Thank you."

Rayne started giggling and playfully pushed on Ashley's shoulder. After a moment of their soft laughs permeating inside the cab of the truck, Rayne asked, "Are you going to invite me in?"

Ashley took a breath as she quickly glanced at her house then over to Rayne, and said, "Follow me." They both climbed out of the truck, Ashley waiting at the front with her hand held out. Rayne slipped her hand into hers and they walked up the porch stairs where Ashley unlocked the front door then gestured for Rayne to precede her inside the house. As she stepped over the threshold, she took a big breath, slowly letting it out. This was the first time she had brought someone home in years.

Rayne stood a few feet away from the front door gawking at the high ceilings and architecture of the house. "Ash, your house is incredible." She walked farther inside then stopped at the kitchen's entry and shrieked loudly, Ashley hurried over. "Your kitchen is AH-mazing!" Rayne looked up at Ashley wide-eyed and awestruck.

Ashley's pride started to show as she puffed up her chest and squared her shoulders. "Thank you. I'm proud of my kitchen."

Rayne snorted. "You say it like you built it."

"I did," Ashley said very matter-of-factly.

The wide eyes widened farther and Rayne's jaw dropped open. "You built this house yourself?" she whispered with awe.

A lopsided smile appeared on Ashley's face. "Well, I had help, but yeah, this house was built on my designs and with my very own two hands." She held out her hands to show the wear and tear from years of manual labour. She sucked in a breath when Rayne took one hand with her soft, delicate one and turned it over, palm facing up and gently traced the callouses with her finger. Ashley suddenly was filled with images of what that one finger could do to her body and before she lost control, she grasped Rayne's hand to stop her questing finger from going any farther. She could see uncertainty in Rayne's blue eyes and to put her at ease, Ashley stepped closer while entwining her fingers with Rayne's and smiled down at her. "Can I show you my bedroom?"

Rayne simply nodded shyly that was paired with a sweet smile, causing Ashley's heart to stutter and for her arousal to spark back alive. As she led Rayne down the hallway, her apprehension from earlier was slowly rising back up. With all these conflicting emotions swirling inside her, she started to feel like a virgin all over again. The warm hand in hers was keeping her grounded and reminded her that Rayne liked her and wanted her. Approaching the bedroom door, Ashley felt slight panic when she couldn't remember if she had straightened up her bedroom. Living alone like a bachelor, Ashley found mundane chores like making her bed or picking up her dirty socks unnecessary, but now that she had a beautiful woman interested in sliding between her sheets, Ashley worried her natural living state would turn Rayne off. Before they entered the bedroom, Ashley turned to Rayne and said, "Please excuse any mess you may find in there. I'm not the tidiest person."

Rayne smirked before pulling her hand out of Ashley's then grasped the front of her shirt and growled, "I don't care what's in there, all I care about is you." She pushed on Ashley forcing her to back up into the room and all the way to the end of her bed where she plopped down on it with a bounce as Rayne straddled her lap. "I only have eyes for you right now."

All nerves vanished inside Ashley as she devoured Rayne's mouth with ferocity. She laid back taking Rayne with her as she ran her hands all up and down the silk of her dress. The leather jacket wrapped around Rayne slipped off onto the floor then Ashley used her strength and easily rolled them over and gently laid on top of Rayne. She broke away from the kiss, gasping for breath as she peered deep into Rayne's eyes. "Am I hurting you? I'm a lot bigger than you."

"No," Rayne whispered while trying to pull Ashley back down to her mouth but was failing as Ashley's strength outmatched Rayne's petite stature. "Get back down here," she said in frustration.

Ashley chuckled before resuming their kiss. 

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