Knight In Faded Flannel Part 8

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"Can I see your horses?" Rayne asked from the other side of the kitchen as she peered out the patio door, coffee cup in hand.

Both of them had fallen asleep shortly after their love making, and now, Ashley was making breakfast for them. Living alone for so long, cooking for two felt foreign to her. However, before breakfast was even a thought, Ashley had woken up with her natural alarm clock and tended to her horses, who were now grazing the pasture. She didn't know why, but introducing Rayne to her horses felt more intimate than their sex the previous night. A part of her knew it was because her wife's horse was there and given the long, emotional history between Ashley, her dead wife, and the horse, it was only natural she was hesitant.

Rayne turned from the window and sipped her coffee as she made her way over to Ashley. She sidled up beside her and watched Ashley flip the eggs. "You never answered me."

Ashley swallowed while never taking her eyes off the eggs, trying to stall with her answer. She plated the eggs then returned the pan to the stove and switched the burner off. She could feel Rayne's eyes on her as she moved over to the toaster. She felt a hand on her arm, she closed her eyes and took a small breath before turning to look at Rayne. "I would love to show you around, but I'm so sorry, Rayne, I'm not ready to introduce you to my horses."

Worry entered Rayne's eyes as she looked up at Ashley in apparent stunned silence as she appeared to be trying to figure out why Ashley was acting this way. After several moments of the silent standoff, Rayne stepped back from Ashley and set her half-drunk coffee down on the counter. "I don't know what's going on, but maybe I should go." She turned to leave the kitchen when she was stopped by Ashley reaching out and pulling her back.

"We just met, and I know we were intimate, but there's pain buried within me. I'm not ready to share just yet, but I don't want you to go, either." Ashley lessened her grip on Rayne's arm but never let go. "Can you be patient with me?"

Relief flooded Rayne's face and she relaxed her shoulders. "Of course, and I'm sorry for pushing you."

"Let's forget about it for now. Let's eat." Ashley released Rayne to pick up both of their plates and walked them over to the kitchen table. They ate quietly for the first half, then Ashley asked, "Do you have to be anywhere, like work, today?"

Rayne shook her head. "I have this weekend off. You?"

Ashley took the last bite of her toast before pushing her plate away. She picked up her coffee cup and relaxed back into her seat before taking a sip. "I don't work."

Rayne paled and stilled before her eyes took in the large farmhouse and all its modern amenities. "Lottery or inheritance?" she joked.

Ashley chuckled. "Well, I guess I can't keep this hidden for much longer." She sat forward setting her cup off to the side on the table then clasped her hands together. "Rayne, I was once married. Her name was Marie and she was the love of my life." A bright smile lit up her once dreary features. "We were happy, had a good life until that day." Her voice trailed off as she envisioned that horrible day where her world had been flipped upside down.

Rayne reached across the table and placed her hand over Ashley's clasped ones. "What happened?"

Ashley swallowed hard and sniffed back the usual tears that always surfaced whenever she talked about her wife. "Um, she was riding Sammy, her horse, when a snake slithered out in front of him and he got spooked so bad, he bucked Marie off and when she landed, her neck snapped on impact."

Rayne gasped as a hand flew to her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. She quickly got up out of her seat and rushed to Ashley's side and sat down beside her. "That's why you didn't want me seeing them. Ash, I'm so sorry for asking."

Ashley turned to her and cupped her cheek. "You didn't know, how could you? It's just when you asked, it felt like a hot iron to my heart."

"That's completely understandable."

Ashley cleared her throat and went on. "As for my not working, Marie had inherited a lot of money when her parents died and when she died, it went to me. So, with her inheritance and the life insurance we had, I was left with a comfortable cushion to live on."

Rayne nodded but remained silent.

Ashley sat back and smiled at her. "I feel like you have something to say."

Rayne returned her smile and said, "I have lots to say, but I don't want to get into anything too heavy just yet, especially since we're still getting to know one another... I think?"

Ashley wrapped her arms around Rayne's middle and pulled her up and onto her lap. "You think you're right. I would love to continue getting to know you, if you'll have me."

Rayne kissed her lightly then pulled back an inch. "I plan on having you again and again." They both chuckled. "Can I ask a question?" Ashley nodded as she ran her fingers through Rayne's hair. "Could I borrow some clothes?" Both of them peered down at Rayne's white silk negligee.

"Yes, but just know, I don't own "girl" clothes."

Rayne held back a laugh as she said, "That's crazy talk, you're the girliest woman I know with your flannel and blue jeans." She finally released the laugh she'd been holding back.

"Wiseass," Ashley said and tickled Rayne.

In the end, Ashley had found a red flannel button down that was too small for her and a pair of jeans for Rayne.

"I think I look pretty cute," Rayne said as she joined Ashley in the living room.

Ashley couldn't help but laugh at the cuffed jeans and the flannel that was tied up showing off Rayne's midriff. She'd managed to girly up her clothes. "You look pretty damn cute, if you asked me." Ashley then held out her hand to Rayne who suspiciously took it and was led out of the house.

"Where are we going?" Rayne asked as they skipped down the front stairs.

Ashley kept quiet as she walked with Rayne over to the barn where the horses were kept, but instead of going inside, Ashley walked them past and over to a wooden fence looking out into the field where all her horses were grazing. "Would you like to meet Sammy?"

Rayne's eyes widened in shock. "Sammy? The one...?"

Ashley nodded. "It wasn't his fault. I never blamed him or got mad. It was just one of those horrific accidents. I love Sammy and I plan on caring for him for as long he lives."

Rayne brushed away her tears. "Oh, Ash. I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you. Now, would you like to meet Sammy?"


Ashley helped Rayne climb up the fence then swing her legs around to sit on the top. She then called Sammy over, and just as the horse headed their way, she felt Rayne shift before she let out a yelp of fear, Ashley acted faster and caught her before she tumbled to the ground. "Easy, there." She helped Rayne back up. "Are you okay?"

Rayne nodded then began giggling. "There you go again, rescuing me in your flannel."

Ashley looked down at her usual attire of a checked shirt tucked in a pair of snug blue jeans, dusty boots, and wild hair. She looked back up at Rayne and shrugged. "That's me."

Rayne peered down into Ashley's eyes before she ran her hand through the wild loose curls and muttered, "So beautiful, I wouldn't have you any other way."

Ashley stood up on the bottom part of the fence and kissed Rayne with every ounce of passion she had inside her. Not knowing what their future held, Ashley still felt optimistic, but until then, she was going to just enjoy her black-haired beauty with every little stolen moment they could find.

The End

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