4. Couch Fort

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In total, I had spent a total of 25 days with Carter. And those 25 days felt the best. We never brought up the kiss again. For now, it was like a subject that we did as friends. Carter continued wearing the bracelet I gave him. At school, I would catch him looking at it with awe. Like it was a piece of treasure that would kill him if he took it off.

It was now the beginning of May. And today was Sunday. Once again, I made my family go to the morning mass so I could have more time with Carter.

I’m sure there’s a word out there for how I’m feeling.

I had only wished I knew what that was earlier.

Carter opened the door and hugged me immediately. 

“Welcome home.” He said, and the word ‘home’ sent tingles down my spine. I guess this place was like a second home. Scratch that. It was home. Carter made it home.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked.

“Sure.” He said while setting down the radio and blankets.

“Why isn’t your mom ever home? It’s Sunday. No one has work.” I said.

“She has work. It takes a lot to pay for this place. So she always works. I wanted to also work to help her but she said that I had to focus on school and do kid things since I’m still young.” He said.

“Oh. If you and your mom ever need-”

“No, Gav. We’re fine. But if I ever do need your help, you’re the first person I’ll come to.”

“Right! I’ll always help you. No matter what.” I said.

If only I kept that promise.

Carter and I set up the couch cushions and blankets to make a fort. We may be 16-year olds, but we’re allowed to have fun. The fort was small, but we made it nice. An opening led inside which had a flashlight and some books and a radio. Carter got in first, while I tried not to look at his behind.

Once inside, we sat crossed-legged and were very close to one another. The light illuminated the inside and Carter’s eyes were large, reflecting all the light. He turned around and saw me looking at him.

“You’re the best person I’ve ever met.” I said.

“You are too. I’m so grateful for meeting you.” He said. 

We looked at one another and leaned in. This time, we kissed. But it was longer. Deeper. More passionate. I slung my arm around Carter’s waist, holding him closer. Our kiss was more passionate. He groaned into the kiss. He moved himself and was now sitting on my lap, stradling me. He kissed and his hands ran through my hair.

We spent the next 10 minutes kissing. And that’s how I wanted my life to be. I wanted nothing more than to sit in this tent and kiss Carter for the rest of my life.

The rest of my life.

That’s quite a big wish. Did I want to spend the rest of my life with Carter? 


“I love you.” I said to Carter after we split apart. 

“I love you too!” He said.

“I swear Carter. One day, we’ll run away from this place and be together forever.” I said, sounding so sure of myself.

“I want to leave this town only with you.” He said.

We kissed again. And his lips were perfect on my lips. It was like he was made for me. I never wanted to leave this tent. Because I know that on the outside, the world would be against me and Carter. They’ll judge before they understand that Carter and I were made for each other.

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