Season 4, Ep. 24

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March 4th

"Messiah! Messiah!"

I jumped out of my sleep in a pool of sweat. I looked at my phone, and it read "4:30 pm". Baby, are you ok? I heard you in here crying in your sleep." Keith said as he ate a bag of hot Cheetos. I was lost as hell! Was Keith cheating on me with Myra all a dream?

"Messiah, talk to me; what's going on? After shopping, you came in here to get a nap, and you seemed fine."

"I...I had a dream that you cheated on me with Cousin Myra, and it all came out tonight at the anniversary party." Keith stopped eating, closed the bag of Cheetos, and wiped his mouth before sighing heavily.

"Oh, no, is my dream  reality?"

"Listen, baby, the night you are talking about was when we went to the club back in June. You got drunk, I took you to your room, and before going to my room, I went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. When I went into the kitchen, I heard a noise outside by the pool. It was Cousin Myra. She asked me to sit with her, she had alcohol, and I said, " Why not?"

"Oh, for real? Why not?"

"I only planned to drink and go to bed, but after the second cup, shit got fuzzy real quick; my dick was out, but I couldn't move no matter how much I tried, and next thing you know, I woke up in the hot tub."

Looking into Keith's eyes, I didn't know how to respond to this. It sounds like he's saying my Cousin drugged him and then had sex with him. I've seen this on TV but never thought I'd possibly be living it.

"What are you saying?" "I took the Henney bottle out of the trash can and took it to a reliable source and had it tested. A week later, the results were emailed to me, and it tested positive for Rohypnol" Keith took his phone out and showed me the Email. Part of me was happy that he didn't willingly cheat, but the other half was pissed at my Cousin.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?"

"According to society, men, don't get raped or drugged. If a woman is throwing herself at you or giving you any type of sexual advances, you're supposed to like it". Messiah jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen where everyone was at. As soon as I got there, I punched Myra right in the face, and we started fighting.

Oh yeah, I have been waiting for this!" Micah said

And no one jump in!." Makayla said as she watched the two fight.

What the hell is going on?." My mom screamed as she and my Aunt pulled us apart.

Well someone start talking," Dad said

Myra drugged Keith when we came down here to visit the first time!," I yelled

What!?," E/B yelled

He's a freaking liar!," Myra laughed

I don't play when it comes to this shit! Now did you drug this boy or not?!," Her mom asked

So what I did it! I didn't think he would find out and he wasn't willing to go there with me if I didn't drug him," Myra smirked

Do you realize that's a felony?!," Her dad asked

I'm not looking to press charges," Keith said and shocked everyone. But, why?," Luke asked

That's family and how will that look? As men we aren't allowed to be sexually assaulted. I can't change what happened so just leave it alone," Keith begged

Myra, you owe Keith and Messiah an apology right now!," Her father demanded

"Why? Apologize to little miss perfect and her sisters? No."

Myra, what happened to us? We used to be so close the four of us were like sisters," Micah sighed

I was supposed to be the doctor! But you just had to get the better grades than me, the better shoes, the best tutors and I didn't half of what you did!," Myra yelled

"All you had to do was pick up the fuckin phone and call me! I could've tutored you. You really think I would've left you hanging?"

"My parents even bragged about you and those two more than me. Like nothing I did was good enough."

Myra, we love you and support everything you do! No matter what we're proud of you," her parents said

If you need a tutor while in med school just say something. I don't know much about doctor shit but I can help you study at least," Her dad added

Myra, I wanted you in Florida with me! I wanted to be there for you because learning with a disability ain't easy but you didn't come, now look where we are! I'm so mad at you right now! You could've killed my husband and worse you could've got arrested! From now on I don't know you and you don't know me," I brushed past her

Siah, I'm sorry," Myra whispered

Jesus," Momma walked off behind her daughter.

To be continued..

I just want to say to any man or woman, if you have been assaulted tell someone! It is not your fault and you did not deserve it! Men, yes you are a man but you do not have to like or accept the sexual advances from anyone. My messages are open if any of you need a friend.

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