➴ prologue. ➴

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Dear Diary, 

Wow, new fucking diary. This is the what, 7th in a few years? Ugh, people are gonna think I'm some dork if I write too much.

Time to introduce myself for the millionth time, I guess.

I'm Nakamoto Yuta, 17 years old. Japanese. Gay ass. Fucking bitch, and I can actually admit that. There's nothing even somewhat good about me, of course there isn't. My parents split, right before my first year of high school. And that's all I remember about them. And then somehow, I found myself in South Korea, all by my damn self. I don't even remember how I got in the school. I just remembered that I found someone who let me stay at their house sometime during the first week. His name is Jaehyun, Jung Jaehyun, and I still live in his fucking house. I have my own room, it's okay. My job doesn't even pay anything close enough for me to get a house anyways. And my job? I work at a fucking McDonalds. So yeah, that's me, I fucking suck. And I don't even know why I'm here.

Oh, and Jaehyun? He's one of the only people on this damn planet I actually care about. I wouldn't call him a friend, cause friends are people who do friendly shit, not sit at the back of the classroom and makes jokes both with and at you. Anyways, everybody seems to fucking love him, he's perfect, yada yada. The complete opposite of me. He's smart, gets good grades, people actually like him, and he doesn't make people listen to him by just opening his mouth cause he's not fucking intimidating. He also has a love life, can't imagine what that feels like. 

Then there's Lee Taeyong. Jaehyun's boyfriend. He's sorta quiet. I see him in the house hanging out with Jaehyun a lot, he's pretty nice too. He's one of those "shout the fucking answers out without raising your hand" kids, I think he just likes annoying the shit out of teachers. I think he raps. Well, I know he raps. I eavesdrop on his and Jaehyun's conversations sometimes, but those 'sometimes' get really awkward at times. He's probably a good rapper, I don't know, I haven't asked and won't ask him.

And I can't forget Kim Jungwoo. We don't talk that much in class, but he sits with us at lunch, so. I don't even know how, he just.. does. He's okay, I guess. But he's kinda odd sometimes, like Earth isn't his home planet or whatever. And he's super nice, to everyone. He breaks up people's fights a lot, I think he gets uncomfortable by them. He seems like a lovable kid, I guess that's why he's at the lunch table. And that's all I really know about him.

After that, there's Mark Lee and Wong Yukhei. Last week, I bet $50 they'd open their relationship and start dating Jungwoo as well, by the end of the year. Jaehyun bet they wouldn't, I expect my money soon. And that's really all there is about the two. They're dating, they're a good duo, but they're... chaotic. They're in love, get each other cute gifts and shit. But nobody can be as obnoxiously in love as Jaehyun and Taeyong, nobody.

Oh. And Kim Doyoung. That damn nightmare of a human being. I hate him so fucking much, it's literally unreal. He's incredibly smart, and gets the top grades in every fucking class. Even P.E. He's somehow intimidating because nobody ever wants the guy to get angry for whatever reason. And he's just. So. Fucking. Annoying. He's a little fucking brat who doesn't even try to be the best, he just is. And he knows it, and he always brags to the lunch table about it. Somehow, I haven't killed him during lunch. Somehow. I've attempted to, though. I just wish he was fucking dead.

I'll just finish the rest of the relevant people who don't sit at the table later. Or another day. I've written about all the people I have the mental capacity to write about anyways.



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