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Arthit met Kong's parents after the older couple came back from their vacation. Kong never tried to hide their relationship from the public so the older couple heard about them way before they even came back to Thailand.

You see,the reason why they arranged a marriage for Kong in the first place wasn't actually because of their business,it was because they saw how reckless their son was living,he had no serious relationships,all of it was just a fling. They weren't happy with that,they wanted him to settle down and of course be happy. So they took things into their own hands and got him arranged with the first girl they thought was best for him,but what they weren't expecting was their son to accept it.

Then another shock came when they heard how he fought to get out of the arranged marriage to be with his lover,they were happy that he has someone he loves and want to be with. But then they received another blow and that was the lover in question is a stripper in some club house. They might not be judgmental people but still it was a bit degrading to think that their only heir will chose a stripper over high class ladies from decent family backgrounds,not only was the person a stripper but he is also a man.

The oldies felt like having a heart attack but when they thought it couldn't get any worse,Kong called them one fine afternoon to inform them that they should return back to Thailand and that he wants to marry his lover,that wasn't the shocking news...he continued to say that,his lover is five weeks pregnant and he will like to marry him fast,he doesn't want his son to be born as an illegitimate child.

His mother collapsed.

They wanted grandchildren like crazy,so to think the so called male lover Kong got himself can actually get pregnant and is now pregnant was too overwhelming for them,they didn't know what to feel anymore.

But through all those mixed feelings of the oldies,one feeling in particular was dominant,the excitement to meet their son in law.

So they didn't delay,when Kong's mother regain consiousness they booked the earliest flight and made it back to Thailand. On their way,they were already making plans for the wedding and of course plans about their grandchild.

When Arthit was brought to meet the oldies,his palms was sweating indicating how nervous he was,but what he wasn't expecting is to be brought into a bone crushing hug by Kong's mother. Turns out,the oldies were just as good as their son.

Arthit was so relieved,he thought they might take him as a freak and belittle him or even worse tell him to stay away from their son but none of that happened and he was so happy about that.

The wedding was exceptional,it was huge and majestic. Since Kong is a billionaire bachelor,his wedding was the talk of the town.

Arthit's family was invited to the wedding,they didn't have the face to turn it down,as they were in no condition to do that anyways.

Arthit father's company immediately went bankrupt,a week after Arthit was kicked out. Since there was no money, Arthit's step mother abandoned the man and went away with some rich pot belly old man,leaving Arthit's father as a drunkard.

Bysh found out that Jake had been cheating on her ever since she had a miscarriage,and when he questioned him,she got the most shocking news in her life.

"Did you ever think I love you.? Hahaha... you're even dumber than Arthit. I used you to build my own company. Since we've come to this how about I tell you a little secret huh?" Jake smirks as he approach a frozen tear stricken Bysh then says in her ear.

"I drugged you so that you will miscarriage that thing you had inside of you." Bysh turns her head sharply at Jake as he looks at him in bewilderment.

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