Equals and Happiness

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I know this might sound demanding at first, but please read all the way through it. I have a lot of good at say and a lot of things to day in general. So much stuff to tell everyone in one book. You have no idea how hard it is to find the right words. I dont plan on changing the world, but i hope this is a start to encourage ppl to try to help to change the world. I intend this to be a little jump start and for someone to carry this on, add to it, share it, and or talk about it. Please spead the word. Not to get veiws or likes or to be famous, just so that the world knows and so that other people can be moved. I hope The Holy Spirit works in you today as you read this. In fact, I pray over this and pray that God will work through me to make this and make it avalable to all and for everyone to read this and I hope it opens the door to let the Holy spirit in. Youll know when its in. G, B, L, T, P sexualities are very bad. Please for the love all reality, it's against the Bible. I want this world to be a better place. Not saying that I'm homo, i just want to see you all in heaven, healthy and happy, dancing around to music. I just want everyone to work together and I just want the next generation to grow up on good things. God loves all of us, no matter what we do. There isn't a thing God can't do and no one that God can't love. We are all created equal. I know what it's like to feel left out or lonely. There is no reason for us to be sad if there is an omnipresent Lord that is always hugging us and encouraging us. God is a great God. God is every god combined but better and forgiving. Don't you want to live in an unbroken world? I know I do. But first, we have to learn to trust one another. If we can't trust each other, then how is Earth gonna be a happy place? Please, at least consider what you are reading. I have only been here for a few weeks and I have been on this Earth for 12 years while I'm writing this and I can say without a doubt, this world has a lot of fixing up to do. It's heart breaking to see homeless people, it melts my heart when I see bullies, i myself have been bullied and still am while I'm writing this. I hate seeing black people get bullied and mistreated. I believe in equal right for all. I love black people, they are fun and engaging. They are confident and they aren't afraid of their skin. Im personally jealous of blacks. I'm white. So? Coffee and milk have always been a neat match :) Please ppl, be nice to the poor people, be nice to the blacks, be nice to the homless, the weak, the strong, the bullies, the bullied. You can make a difference through this. If you are a kid and reading this, you too can make a huge difference by helping or just saying kind things to these people. I know this was a lot of reading and I respect those dyslexic ppl, so shoudl u, dont make fun of them. So please, consider this. I hope this has helped you and have a blessed day/night. I love u even tho I don't know u, and God loves u too, and he knows u. I pray for you every night, even tho idk u. Your sins are forgiven and Jesus is waiting for u with wide open arms!

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