Chapter 1

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harry P.O.V

I see him covering the distance between us, he place his hand on my neck pull me close and press his lip against mine. Passionately our lips are moving fast fighting for dominance. He squeeze my ass cheek that open my mouth,  he slip his tongue in my mouth and started to explore my mouth.

That moment is so magical, wait why its becoming so bright.
"uuuhhhh" I groaned I forget to close the curtain last night.

I mumble " fuck how I can be so stupid of course it's a dream"

Well this is Harry Edward Styles, I suppose you all know that already, knowing his dream you can guess  he is gay. He is proud of his sexuality, he love to be pronounce as he, she and they & he love both clothing masculine and feminine but he didn't try feminine clothes in front of others he is not so confident about it right now.

My alarm started to buzze.
"I guess it's time to get ready for hellhole" harry shrugged and said.

With that he get up and goes to bathroom to do his business and get ready for school.
Oh and he is in high school senior year.

He is very bubbly person whenever he walk in room it light up he have that energy in him but after he came out, everyone is not so found of him other then his family and friends. Well it all matters right your family and friends but not to Harry. He is a type of person if anybody hates him he want to know why they hate him. It make him upset, that is why he hates school.

After getting ready he go down stairs to kitchen where his mom making delicious pancake and tacos for him, he just love tacos.
He greet his mom with worm smile "hey mom good morning"

His mom Anna kiss him on cheek and said "hey sweetie good morning, have your breakfast fast you will be late for your first day at senior year".
"Uuuhhh mom it's not big deal I am in senior year now and I am pretty sure I won't be late" he said

"Okay okay as you say, I was just worried you will miss hot guy, maybe those who will join your high school or may be guys who knows" said with the wink.
Harry got tommato soup red "Mom why you tease me so much, I some time think, I shouldn't have came out. At least I might be saved from this. Anyway I am leaving love you.
Anna laughed "Okay sweetie love you too"
With that he went through the door to his 'hell hole' aka his school.

This is first chapter.
It's kinda  short i know sorry for that. I am bloody nervous.
do tell me what you think.

harry house

harry house

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Harry Edward Styles

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Harry Edward Styles

Harry Edward Styles

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