Pain That Never Leaves

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Dragon was kept in chains and  was being dragged out in the woods. He was out cold and couldn't life a finger.
As Casandra and her soldiers were nearing a big cave,a blast occurred in front of them. The blast was so intense that it blasted off everything in its path. The impact of the blast, brought back dragon,into his life.

"Hello boys and one  little girl",said a booming voice filled with rage.

"It can't be", Casandra for the first time was afraid in her life.

"You were supposed to be dead. How the hell you are even alive, you were killed by the  five majestic dragons. No one survives their wrath.

The man who was standing before them, was once feared in the three worlds.

"I've killed all the majestic dragons",a smile appeared on his features.

" That's impossible you can't kill those Dragons. Majestic dragons ,they are one of a kind and are said to be eternal", fear Could be seen in Cassandra die Cassandra is ice

The figure laughed again and said that nothing in this world is eternal ,not even the gods. So the Dragons can be killed too.

When this conversation was over dragon finally came forward and looked straight in the eyes into the ice ice of the figure and told him to go away

"You can't just come here from nowhere and order me to leave you know who am I and what I can do", pride was evident from his voice.

" You are nothing but curse. You cause nothing but sorrow. You are the pain that never goes away", Dragon said while bringing out his blue sword.

Looks like a good fight is on the way. Can't wait for it. Until then, take care guys.

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