Chapter 1

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Felix finally came to Seoul in Korea from Australia. He got into his apartment it was a simple and a pretty apartment. He placed the bag and his stuff on the ground and looked at the apartment it was empty. He was so tired today so he didn't buy any furniture. It was so empty tho he didn't have any pillow or blanket. He took out his phone and sat on the ground he order some furniture and it would come tomorrow.

next day

"Aish i forgot to change and take off my jacket I just slept with those" Felix said. "What's the sound coming from my neighbour it woke me up" he got up and took his slippers out and took of his jacket he went out for some fresh air to hear the same sounds

He walked to his neighbour door and knocked at it. Some tall guy opened the door he didn't seem to be alone he was with some other boys. "uhh can you lower the volume?" Felix said in English "yes sorry" the tall dude apologised he had an accent which made Felix think he's cute. "It's okay I am Felix ur neighbour the next door." He said leaving the tall dude in confusion. "I am the boy next door" felix tried to say in Korean "ohhh I am hyunjin ur new right?" Hyunjin smiled "yes I came yesterday from Australia " the Aussie responded "Australia? Woah" hyunjin said "come in" felix came in.

He took of his shoes and jacket he was a bit nervous since there was more than a 1 person in the apartment. "Guys this is felix he came here from Australia" hyunjin said putting his arms around felix. "Hello" everyone greeted him and told him their names. "He's also from Australia" Han said pointing at bang chan. He smiled at felix.

3 hours later

"it's getting pretty late I have to go in some fact the furniture is coming" felix said standing up. "alright" everyone said a goodbye to him and felix went to his place to see furniture outside his door. "Shit there are many" he said trying to drag everything in side. some hours later he heard a knock from the door. He walked up to it and opened the door to see Hyunjin.
"Hey I was just planning to hang out today at 6" he said. "That would be wonderful" Felix respond

Some hours later felix finally placed the furniture in the house everything was great. He took a shower then dressed up. It was 5:30 he had 20 minutes left so he made himself food. Some time passed and then he heard a knock it was obviously from hyunjin.

They all hang out for hours. Until everyone returned back to their apartment cuz it got pretty late

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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