The path to perfection

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3rd POV

Naruto: how dare you not tell us about Cell!? If you had known something you should have said so!!!

Orochimaru had been brought into the hokages office and was currently being chewed out by naruto while shikamaru, Kakashi, and Tsuande all listened.

Orochimaru: forgive me Naruto kun....but you have to understand even if I did told you it wouldn't have changed then. Where's Mitsuki?

Naruto: he's somewhere safe. Now tell me why you made that monster!!

Orochimaru begins to explain everything to everyone in the room and there all shocked by this.


She says as she grabs him by the collar of his clothes and slams him into the wall. He stares at Tsuande and smiles calmly.

Orochimaru: put me down princess Tsuande.......

Tsuande grits her teeth and drops him.

Orochimaru: originally I was planning on taking him as my perfect vessel but once I was discovered doing experiments on people I wiped my memory of the location of the lab........

Kakashi: why though? I mean. If you forgot about the location how could you make that thing your new vessel?

Orochimaru: it was a timed justu. Evantually I would remember and ironically the day I remember is the day it broke free........speaking of which. Just how strong was he?

Naruto: he was powerful and even knew the rasengan........

Orochimaru: I see. So it was a success-

Shikamaru: wrong. That thing is out there killing people and it's your fault.

Orochimaru: understand. I didn't intend for it to become this strong. It seems like the drones I made to record and take DNA from people were still active and continued to upload into project cell.....

Shikamaru: how did all of our DNA create a giant green bug monster?

Orochimaru: merging cells together doesn't just create perfection.....


Orochimaru: hm. Well then. I'll be leaving now-

Kakashi: sorry but your not going anywhere.

Orochimaru: I am. And will. It's better this way anyway.........after all Mitsuki and I are probably what it's after.

Naruto: he mentioned something about that. That you and Mitsuki are the key to becoming perfect....

Orochimaru: indeed. I was planning on absorbing my old self once I got my new vessel. Then absorb another who is similar in power to me........and it seems as though he's chosen Mitsuki knowing that Mitsukis power is already getting close to me in terms of power at such a young age......

Shikamaru: so in short. He's after you and Mitsuki in order to become perfect......? What does that exactly mean?

Orochimaru: it means that when he absorbs me and mitsuki our bodies will be integrated with his own body and he'll grow significantly stronger.

Naruto: like how he did with the people in those towns?

Orochimaru: no. He drained them of there chakra. What he'll do to us is absorb us into his being and we'll become one with him. He'll become utterly powerful......

Tsuande: but why you two....?

Orochimaru: because.........Mitsuki and I have something that cell needs..........

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