Getting comfortable pt2

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After luz and eda finally got hunter to eat the pancakes, eda was trying to get him to spill on why he was sent to get the key without Kiki and the others.

Hunter wouldn't speak about it "why do you care so much about my personal stuff, owl lady?" He scoffed slightly just poking at the pancakes with the fork, flapjack just chirping and sitting on hunters shoulder.

Luz just suddenly recognized flapjack "lil rascal! Is that the person you chose?? Awwww you too are scar buddies!" She poked flapjacks and hunters face. Hunter  just looking at her like 'what the fuck' "don't touch me human" he huffed scooting away and letting flapjack eat the pancakes.

King just threw the box of bandaids at hunters face who just fell out of his chair from the shock and "OW MY FUCKING EYE" he just held his right eye good thing it wasn't sharp. King just laughed slightly "what's fucking mean??"

Eda just groaned and picked up hunter and set him in the chair "jeez Goldie locks why are you so accident prone" she just sat back in her chair. Hunter just looked at her with his undamaged eye "...Goldie locks? Really?" He rolled his eye and just sat there.

Luz looked at him for a second, slowly making a confused face "aren't you gonna go get something to help that?" She just took a sip of apple blood. Hunter tilted his head, confused "what would I get??" He was pretty clueless on how to help with stuff like this.

"You.. don't know how to do that do you?.. get a ice pack and put it on your eye." Luz pointed to the fridge. Hunter just got up and walked to the fridge slowly and got and ice pack and put it on his eye immediately taking it off "shit that's cold-" he pouted slightly and sat back down.

Time skip

It was the end of the day, hunter seemed comfortable but he was very bad at social interaction. Like he never was around anyone his age, because he hadn't, but eda and luz had no clue. King really didn't care.

So luz came downstairs to find hunter but he was gone, so was flap Jack and she soon realized he left and she found a note from hunter saying that he left. She sighed and just went to eda to tell her about it

Hunter arrived back to his room and hid flapjack immediately and flopped on his bed before he was called by belos, so he got dressed quickly and went off

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