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After the meeting with belos hunter was sorta frustrated, belos was gonna send him to hexside! To spy on the human only, but he'll have to take all luz's classes, which means... he'd be taking all the classes. The only reason he's getting in the school in the middle of the year is because belos.

So hunter had to go to the school first to get his uniform, a scout had to go with him as the 'legal guardian' to sign some papers and stuff.

Hunter was just looking for the scout going with him, and after a bit. They arrived at the school and soon everything was done and hunter would start tomorrow. He got his uniform and he went home.

The next day would be interesting.

Hunter set a alarm to get up for hexside, he was not that excited but at least he would be around kids his age, he got into the uniform and got flapjack, just hiding them. He left and headed to hexside, hoping that luz wouldn't be to mad at him for suddenly leaving.

He just arrived at the school and looked around, just looking at all the kids there sorta unamused by how they act, were teens usually like this?? He thought to himself and he spotted luz with one of the blights and two other kids he didn't know one was a girl with green hair and braids, the other was a boy with short dark hair.

Hunter just hoped he wouldn't be spotted and turned away but luz saw him and was sorta confused on why he was at hexside. Luz's staring got the others attention and they looked at where she was looking

Hunter saw like all of them looking at him and just ran to hide in the crowd, although he wouldn't be able to escape them for long,, because he was put in all the tracks, why? He doesn't know probably to keep an eye on luz because she was also in all the tracks.

The bell rung and everyone headed to class. It was abomination first, so he had to see luz and the person who stabbed him WITH ABOMINATION MAGIC. But he was sorta panicked because he couldn't do magic without his staff. He hoped that he wouldn't get any attention if he just stayed in the back and kept his head down

He was pretty calm until he realized the two people next to him- it was amity and luz. He just was sweating bullets and he tried to ignore the two, he was trying not to get any attention and If he said anything he would get in trouble.

This was going to be an eventful day

Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting for a bit! Got a bit busy, hope you liked the chapter <3

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